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Closed-Loop Neurofeedback of α Synchrony during Goal-Directed Attention
Authors:Jyoti Mishra  Mira Lowenstein  Richard Campusano  Yihan Hu  Juan Diaz-Delgado  Jacqueline Ayyoub  Rajat Jain  Adam Gazzaley
Abstract:α Oscillations in sensory cortex, under frontal control, desynchronize during attentive preparation. Here, in a selective attention study with simultaneous EEG in humans of either sex, we first demonstrate that diminished anticipatory α synchrony between the mid-frontal region of the dorsal attention network and ventral visual sensory cortex [frontal-sensory synchrony (FSS)] significantly correlates with greater task performance. Then, in a double-blind, randomized controlled study in healthy adults, we implement closed-loop neurofeedback (NF) of the anticipatory α FSS signal over 10 d of training. We refer to this closed-loop experimental approach of rapid NF integrated within a cognitive task as cognitive NF (cNF). We show that cNF results in significant trial-by-trial modulation of the anticipatory α FSS measure during training, concomitant plasticity of stimulus-evoked α/θ responses, as well as transfer of benefits to response time (RT) improvements on a standard test of sustained attention. In a third study, we implement cNF training in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), replicating trial-by-trial modulation of the anticipatory α FSS signal as well as significant improvement of sustained attention RTs. These first findings demonstrate the basic mechanisms and translational utility of rapid cognitive-task-integrated NF.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT When humans prepare to attend to incoming sensory information, neural oscillations in the α band (8–14 Hz) undergo desynchronization under the control of prefrontal cortex. Here, in an attention study with electroencephalography, we first show that frontal-sensory synchrony (FSS) of α oscillations during attentive preparation significantly correlates with task performance. Then, in a randomized controlled study in healthy adults, we show that neurofeedback (NF) training of this α FSS signal within the attention task is feasible. We show that this rapid cognitive NF (cNF) approach engenders plasticity of stimulus-evoked neural responses, and improves performance on a standard test of sustained attention. In a final study, we implement cNF in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), replicating the improvement of sustained attention found in adults.
Keywords:attention deficit hyperactivity disorder   brain computer interface   cognitive neurofeedback   dorsal attention network   neuroplasticity   synchrony
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