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引用本文:许永良,李洪军,黄一心,余传信¨,梁幼生,吴玉玉z,高玮红z. 吡喹酮对血吸虫卵肉芽肿与肝纤维化作用的研究I吡喹酮对小鼠肺部血吸虫卵肉芽肿的影响[J]. 中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 2007, 19(5)-360
作者姓名:许永良  李洪军  黄一心  余传信¨  梁幼生  吴玉玉z  高玮红z
摘    要: 目的探讨吡喹酮对小鼠肺部血吸虫卵肉芽肿的影响。方法48只小鼠均分4组,A组:虫卵致敏组,先于小鼠腹壁皮下注入新鲜日本血吸虫卵,10 d后由尾静脉注入虫卵;B组:毗喹酮短期应用组,致敏方法同A组,于尾静脉注入虫卵前ld起灌服吡喹酮300 mg/(kg.d),连续3 d;C组:吡喹酮持续应用组,致敏方法同A组,于尾静脉注入虫卵前ld起灌服吡喹酮75 mg/kg,1日2次,连续5d,停药2d,反复用药至剖检;D组:第29天起应用吡喹酮组,服法同C组。各组均在尾静脉注射虫卵后7、14、28、56 d分别剖杀3只,取肺组织切片、染色,在每组小鼠肺连续切片内选含毛蚴的肉芽肿25~30个,测其面积计算平均值。结果在第7、14天和第28天时,C组的虫卵肉芽肿面积较小,与A组叱较,差异有统计学意义;B组的虫卵肉芽肿面积比A组略小,但差异无统计学意义;至第56天时,B、C组与D组的虫卵肉芽肿面积均较小,与A组比较,差异均有统计学意义。结论吡喹酮能够抑制血吸虫卵肉芽肿。    

关 键 词:吡喹酮;日本血吸虫;肉芽肿;肝纤维化

Effect of praziquantel on schistosomal ovum granuloma and hepatic fibrosis |i Effect of praziquantel on schistosomal ovum granuloma in the lung of mice
Abstract:  Objective  To explore the effect of praziquantel on schistosomal ovum granuloma inthe lung of mice. Methods   Forty-eight mice were divided int0 4 groups. Group A: first, the micewere injected with schistosomal ova hypodermicly in abdomen and 10 days later, injected with schis-tosomal ova intravenously in the cauda; Group B: in addition to the injection of schistosomal ova asthe same of Group A, the mice were administered with praziquantel [300 mg/(kg . d)] for 3 daysfrom the last day of the intravenous injection of the ova; Group C: in addition to the injection ofschistosomal ova as the same of Group A, the mice were administered with praziquantel (75 mg/kg, B.i. d. ) for 5 days weekly until the mice were sacrificed; Group D:  the same as Group C butpraziquantel was given to the mice from the 29th after the intravenous injection of the ova. Threemice of each group were sacrificed on the 7th, 14th, 28th, 56th day after the intravenous injectionof the ova and the lung tissues were fixed with formalin and the slices were HE stained. Fifteen-thirty pieces of schistosomal ovum granuloma were examined and their areas were measured and themean areas of each group were calculated and compared. Results  On the 7th, 14th and 28th daysafter the intravenous injection of the ova, the mean area of schistosomal ovum granuloma in GroupC was significantly less than that in Group A, and there was a significant difference between thetwo groups, P <0. 05; and the area of schistosomal ovum granuloma in Group B was less than thatin Group A, but there was no significant difference between the two groups, P>0. 05.  On the 56thday, the mean areas of schistosomal ovum granuloma in Group B, C, D were significantly less thanthat in Group A, all P<0. 05.  Conclusionma.
Keywords:Praziquantel  Schistosoma japonicum  Ovum granuloma  Hepatic fibrosis
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