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引用本文:卞春甫,邢淑华,许鹏程. 双氢埃托啡、左旋四氢巴马汀、B-7601及安定的相互作用[J]. 药学学报, 1986, 21(8): 561-565
作者姓名:卞春甫  邢淑华  许鹏程
摘    要:强效镇痛药双氢埃托啡(DHE)与左旋四氢巴马汀(L-THP)合用,在中枢抑制和镇痛方面能彼此增效。单用DHE可引起明显的呼吸抑制和心率减慢。L-THP能减轻其呼吸抑制,但不能拮抗心率减慢。而M受体阻滞剂B-7601则能拮抗其心率减慢。将DHE,L-THP,B-7601与安定合用,给犬静脉注射,能立即产生全身麻醉,可施行手术。心电无明显变化。呼吸变化不一,多数先增快后减慢。肌电减弱。

关 键 词:双氢埃托啡  左旋四氢巴马汀  脑电图  静脉复合全麻  相互作用

BIAN Chun-Fu,XING Shu-Hua,and XU Peng-Cheng. THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN DIHYDROETORPHINE,L-TETRAHYDROPALMATINE,B-7601 AND DIAZEPAM[J]. Acta pharmaceutica Sinica, 1986, 21(8): 561-565
Authors:BIAN Chun-Fu  XING Shu-Hua  and XU Peng-Cheng
Abstract:In rabbits, 1-Tetrahydropalmatine (1-THP) 10,20 or 30 mg/kg, ⅳ, induced loss of righting reflex. The dose-effect relation ship appeared to be linear which was shifted to the left when dihydroetorphine (DHE) 1 μg/kg was given ⅳ in combination with 1-THP. The EEG changed gradually from low voltage rapid wave to high voltage slow wave. In mice, 1-THP (10 mg/kg, ip) and DHE(2 μg/kg, ip) elevated the pain threshold (hot plate method measured at the 10 th min) by 135±35% ((?)±SD) and 40±10% (P<0.01 respectively. However, when the two drugs were given in combination, the pain threshold increased by 339±20%. These results suggest that their actions on CNS are synergistic.The decrease of heart rate in rabbits, following DHE could be antagonized by B-7601. DHE was shown to inhibit respiration and this action was antagonized to some extent by 1-THP.The combined use of DHE(1 μg/kg), B-7601 (0.5mg/kg), a new muscarinic antagonist, L-THP (20 mg/kg) and diazepam (2 mg/kg) by the ⅳ route induced immediate general anesthesia and disappearance of electromyogram in dogs. The duration of the loss of righting reflex was 172±44 min. Thus, an adequate anesthetic state for abdominal operation could be attained.
Keywords:Dihydroetorphine  L-Tetrahydropalmatine  EEG  Intravenous composite anesthesia  Drug interaction  
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