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Effects of Maternal Intelligence, Marital Status, Income, and Home Environment on Cognitive Development of Low Birthweight Infants
Authors:Bacharach, Verne R.   Baumeister, Alfred A.
Affiliation:1Appalachian State University, 2Vanderbilt University

All correspondence should be sent to Verne R. Bacharach, Department of Psychology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608. E-mail: bacharachvr{at}appstate.edu.

Abstract:Objective: To examine direct and mediated effects of maternalIQ, marital status, family income, and quality of the home environmenton the cognitive development of low birthweight infants. Methods: Secondary analyses on a large dataset using hierarchicalregression identified factors correlated with cognitive outcomesin children at 3 years of age who were bom at low birthweight. Results: Maternal IQ was a critical variable, because it washighly correlated with child IQ and because maternal intelligenceinfluenced patterns of relationships among other predictor variablesincluding marital status, income level, and home environmenton child IQ. Analyses revealed that effects of these variableson child IQ interacted with maternal IQ. Conclusions: Early childhood intervention programs should targetthose low birthweight infants most at risk for impaired cognitivedevelopment. Children at greatest risk are those living withunmarried, low IQ mothers.
Keywords:cognitive development   low birthweight infants   maternal IQ   marital status   family income   home environment.
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