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Ovine and Human Placental IgG inhibit Human Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity in vitro
Authors:Omwandho C A  Peters C  Falconer J  Roberts T K  Tinneberg H R  Tumbo-Oeri A G
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, P O Box 30197, Nairobi Kenya. Tel. 254 2 442534, Fax. 2543 2 442841, Email: omwandho@ics.uonbi.acke.
Abstract:To determine the effect of ovine and human placental IgG on human Natural Killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity in vitro placental IgG was eluted at acidic pH and purified by ion exchange and subsequently by affinity chromatography on protein G and protein A sepharose columns. These antibodies were analysed for presense of IgG by immuno-electrophoresis and relative purity determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The effect of these antibodies on human NK cell cytotoxicity was investigated by slChromium Release Assay using human K562 cells as targets and human peripheral blood lymphocytes as effector cells. Both ovine and human placental IgG inhibited human NK cell cytotoxicity in a dose dependent manner. Placental IgG may down-regulate the cytotoxic effects of NK cells in vivo by competitively excluding the binding of NK cells to their respective targets on the trophoblast. Alternatively, these antibodies may themselves be toxic to NK cells. Either way, the presence of these antibodies on the placental trophoblast may prevent the binding of NK cells and subsequent immunological rejection of the fetal allograft. Also, ovine placental IgG may be functionally similar to its human counterpart and may therefore be suitable as a model for the study of maternal fetal interaction during pregnancy in humans.
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