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Projections from subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus to contralateral thalamus via the relay of juxtatrigeminal nucleus and dorsomedial part of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus in the rat.
Authors:J D Zhang  X L Yang
Affiliation:The First Military Medical University, Guangzhou, China.
Abstract:Following injection of HRP into contralateral thalamus, retrogradely labeled cells were observed in principal sensory trigeminal nucleus (Vp) and an area of juxtatrigeminal nucleus (JX) formerly described by John and Tracey (1987). When PHA-L was delivered to dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis (Vodm), PHA-L labeled terminals were seen in dorsomedial part of the Vp (Vpdm) and in the JX region. Comparing the distribution of PHA-L labeled terminal field with that of HRP labeled JX neurons showed that the labeled terminals and neurons were overlapped closely in the JX. The distribution patterns of the labeled terminals and JX neurons were also the same: viewed on the coronal planes caudal-rostrally, both of the labelings began to appear at the levels where the facial nerve root was just broken. Rostrally, at middle levels of the motor trigeminal nucleus (Vmo), the labelings showed their typical view covering dorsal and ventral JX (dJX, vJX). The labelings disappeared at rostral poles of the Vmo and Vp. When injections of PHA-L into the Vodm and HRP into the contralateral thalamus was made in one rat, the contacts between Vodm projecting terminals labeled with PHA-L and HRP labeled trigemino-thalamic neurons were seen in the JX and also in the Vpdm. Then, electron microscopic (EM) study was done, injections of kainic acid into the Vodm and HRP into the contralateral thalamus was performed simultaneously. After EM embedding, the JX and Vpdm regions were selected, ultrathin sections were cut and observed with EM. In both areas, axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synapses were seen between degenerated boutons and HRP labeled somata or dendrites. Namely, the Vodm projecting terminals synapsed on trigemino-thalamic neurons in the JX and Vpdm. Anyway, axo-dendritic synapses was the main type of observed synapses. Thus, the present work demonstrated 1. the JX containing a group of trigemno-thalamic neurons was a target of special projections froin the Vodm; 2. The Vodm neurons projected to the contralateral thalamus through the relay of JX and Vpdm neurons.
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