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Indirect Measurement of Electron Energy Relaxation Time at Room Temperature in Two-Dimensional Heterostructured Semiconductors
Authors:Algirdas Suž  iedė  lis,Steponas Aš  montas,Jonas Gradauskas,Aurimas Č  erš  kus,Maksimas Anbinderis
Affiliation:1.Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Savanorių ave. 231, 02300 Vilnius, Lithuania; (S.A.); (J.G.); (A.Č.); (M.A.);2.Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio ave. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Abstract:Hot carriers are a critical issue in modern photovoltaics and miniaturized electronics. We present a study of hot electron energy relaxation in different two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) structures and compare the measured values with regard to the dimensionality of the semiconductor formations. Asymmetrically necked structures containing different types of AlGaAs/GaAs single quantum wells, GaAs/InGaAs layers, or bulk highly and lowly doped GaAs formations were investigated. The research was performed in the dark and under white light illumination at room temperature. Electron energy relaxation time was estimated using two models of I-V characteristics analysis applied to a structure with n-n+ junction and a model of voltage sensitivity dependence on microwave frequency. The best results were obtained using the latter model, showing that the electron energy relaxation time in a single quantum well structure (2DEG structure) is twice as long as that in the bulk semiconductor.
Keywords:electron energy relaxation time   two-dimensional electron gas   quantum well   microwave diode   voltage sensitivity   I-V characteristic
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