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Disturbed pyloric motility in Ws/Ws mutant rats due to deficiency of c-kit expressing interstitial cells of Cajal
Authors:Akihiro Nakarna  Seiichi Hirota  Toshihiko Okazaki  Kouichi Nagano  Sunao Kawano  Masatsugu Hori  Yukihiko Kitamura
Affiliation:Departments of Pathology, Osaka University Medical School;Departments of Internal Medicine I, Osaka University Medical School;Division of Pathology, Osaka University Medical Hospital, Suita, Japan
Abstract:Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are believed to lnitlate the basic contractile activity of the gastrointestlnal tract. Interstitial cells of Cajal express c-kit receptor tyroslne kinase and are deficient in Ws/Ws mutant rats with a small deletion of the c-kit gene . As Ws/Ws rats show remarkable bile reflux to the stomach, the contraction pressure of the pylorus was compared between Ws/Ws and control +/+ rats. The contraction pressure of the pylorus was measured using a mlcrotransducer, which was Inserted through a pln-hole in the anterlor wall of the stomach under anesthesla. The magnitude of bile reflux was estimated by measurlng the content of bile acids In the stomach. The c-kit messenger RNA-expressing cells were detected by in sltu hybrldlzatlon. Frequency and the maxlmum pressure of the contractlon were comparable between Ws/Ws and +/+ rats, but the duration of the contractlon was significantly shorter In Ws/Ws rats than In +/+ rats. The number of c-kit messenger RNA-expresslng ICC in the pylorus of Ws/Ws rats was 1.7% that of +/+ rats. The bile reflux observed in Ws/Ws rats was attributed to the decrease in the duration of the pyloric contraction, which appeared to result from the deficlency of c-kit messenger RNA-expressing ICC.
Keywords:bile reflux    in sifu hybridization    interstitial cells of Cajal    manometry    pyloric motility
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