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引用本文:张大为 张汝刚. 肺癌外科治疗[J]. 心肺血管病杂志, 1997, 16(1): 3-10
作者姓名:张大为 张汝刚
摘    要:文章包括两大部分。首先通过近十年文献复习,报告了国内肺癌外科治疗概况。第二部分总结了中国医学科学院肿瘤医院胸外科2004例肺癌的外科治疗结果。国内较大组综合资料表明,切除率为80.4%~91.4%,并发症发生率为1.7%~22.3%,手术死亡率为0.8%~3.1%,切除后5年生存率为30.1%~42.0%。病理类型分布如下:鳞癌47.5%,腺癌32.6%,小细胞癌10.3%,大细胞癌3.3%,其它5.8%。P-TNM分期情况:Ⅰ期34.8%,Ⅱ期21.3%,Ⅲ期46.3%,Ⅳ期0.4%。手术类别包括:肺叶(合双叶)切除70.3%,全肺切除20.0%,部分切除(楔形或段)5.1%,袖式肺叶切除4.0%,隆突成形切除0.6%。小于40岁肺癌病人的临床特点:误诊率高达76.6%,切除率低,平均76.3%,5年生存率仅23.0%。年青病例的病理类型以腺癌最多达39.3%,小细胞肺癌其次28.4%,鳞癌仅24.0%。老年人(大于60岁)肺癌的外科临床特点:较高的并发症发生率27.3%以及手术死亡率2.4%,5年生存率31.3%,则与全年龄组无差别,为改进疗效,强调并存疾病的治疗及围手术期的护理。肿瘤医院胸外科33年收治2004例肺癌,男1571例,女433例,平均年龄53.9岁(20~80岁)。病理类型:基本符合国内综合资料。P—TNM分期?

关 键 词:肺癌  外科治疗

The surgical Treatment of Lung Caner
Abstract:Collevtive data in China within recent ten years gave the results of surgery in lung caner as follows;an overall resectability of 80. 4% ~91. 4%; an operative morbidity of 1. 7% ~22. 3%; a mortality of 0.8%~3.1 %; a 5 - yr survival rate of 30. 1 % ~42. 0%. Th distributtion of pathological types was: squamous cell carcinoma 47. 5%, adenocarcinoma 32. 6%, small cell carcinoma 10. 3%, larg cell carcinoma 3. 3% and miscellaneous,5.8%. The p-TNM staging gave the following results: stage I 34.8%, stage Ⅱ 21. 3%, Stag Ⅲ46.3%, StageⅣ0. 4%. The mode of resecion performed consisted of : regular lobectomy 70. 3%, pneumonectomy 20. 0%.wedge and segmentectomy 5.1 %, sleeve lobectomy 4. 0%, carino - plastic lung resection 0. 6%.Tha results of 2004 lung cancer petients admitted to authors' department over a span of 33 years were reviewed. There were 1571 males and 433 females. Their pethological classification was more or less similar to that in the above mentioned collective data. The p - TNM staging in 1721 resected cases showed: stage O and I 50. 1 %,stage Ⅱ 23.6%, Stag Ⅲa 23. 3%, stage Ⅲb 2. 0% and stage Ⅳ 1.2%. The overall asetability was 85. 9%;operative morbidity was 15. 7% and the 30 - day mortality was 1. 3%. The operative modes performed included regular lobectomy 1243 cases (72. 2% ), pneumonectrmy 281 cases (16. 3% ), sleeve lobectomy 155 cases (9. 0% )and economic resection 42 cases (2. 5% ). Major factors influencing the long- term survival rate were: nature of resection, mode of resection, status of lymph node metasiss, tumor size and degree of extension, pathological types and p- TNM staging.Authors suggesed that for non - small cell lung cancer surgery is indicated among stage Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲa patients,while in small cell lung cancer, surgery should be limited to stage Ⅰand Ⅱ patients.Postoperetive chemotherapy should be part of the treatment program for small cel carcinoma.Authors also emphasize the substitution of pneumonectomy by sleeve lobectomy whenever identical radicality could be achieved.
Keywords:Lung cancer  Surgery
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