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作者姓名:刘杰书  李泳锋
摘    要:失眠是临床常见的一种疾病,《黄帝内经》称为“目不瞑”、“不得眠”、“不得卧”,《难以》始称“不寐”。导致失眠的病因主要是心、胆、脾、肾的阴阳失调,气血失和导致心神失养或心神不安。失眠有实证和虚证之分,实证由心火炽盛、肝郁化火、痰热内扰,引起心神不安所致;虚证由心脾两虚、心虚胆怯、阴虚火旺,引起心神失养所致。无论心神不安或心神失养均能引起机体阴阳失调,营卫之气不能按照正常的路线循行,失去其时间上的规律,人体也便相应地丧失了原来寤寐交替的节律性,而出现睡眠障碍。

关 键 词:补肝汤  夜关门  失眠  典型病例

153 cases of insomnia to be cured by Bugan decoction and Cineate lespedeza.
Liu Jie-shu,Li Yong-feng.153 cases of insomnia to be cured by Bugan decoction and Cineate lespedeza.[J].Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy of Chinese Minorities,2009,15(5):5-6.
Authors:Liu Jie-shu  Li Yong-feng
Institution:Liu Jie - shu, Li Yong- feng (Medical school of Hubei Institute for Nationalities (Enshi, Hubei 445000))
Abstract:Insomnia refers to the 'barrier of the beginning of sleep and the sleep maintains, unables the sleep quality to satisfy the individual psychological needs, which obviously affect patient day time aetivities as the sleep disorder syndrome.This article,based on 153 eases to eure insomnia with Tujia local medieine: bugan decoction and eineate lespedeza, explains the effects of the two drugs. Through research and analysis, the author reveals Spina Date Seed, Cineate lespedeza ean nourish to heart and tranquilization in treatment and show development prospect.
Keywords:bugan Decoction  cineate lespedeza  insomnia  tyoical case
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