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引用本文:张永平,于立坚,马润娣,张霄瑜,于廷曦. 阿魏酸钠对妊娠晚期母小鼠谷氨酸单钠灌胃诱导的仔鼠兴奋性毒性神经损伤的修复作用[J]. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2008, 17(11)
作者姓名:张永平  于立坚  马润娣  张霄瑜  于廷曦
摘    要:目的 研究阿魏酸钠(SF)腹腔注射对妊娠晚期母小鼠谷氨酸单钠(MSG)灌胃诱导的仔鼠兴奋性毒性神经损伤修复的影响.方法 将妊娠17d小鼠随机分为:对照、SF、MSG、MSG+SF组.每组10只.MSG组小鼠在妊娠第17天接受MSG(1.0,2.0,4.0g/kg)灌胃1次.MSG+SF组和SF组小鼠在妊娠第17天分别接受MSG(4.0g/kg)或生理盐水灌胃1次,从妊娠第18天起腹腔注射SF(40mg/kg),每日1次,连续2~3d;子代小鼠出生后继续腹腔注射SF(40mg/kg),每日1次,连续20d.仔鼠31 d龄进行爬绳和开野实验,32d龄开始Y迷宫实验;在新生鼠24h、21 d龄和53 d龄,每组各取4只小鼠行脑海马组织病理学检查.结果 MSG组子代小鼠的自主活动次数增加非常显著(P<0.01);会爬绳者(5/13)较对照组(12/14)非常显著地减少(P<0.01);52d龄仔鼠Y迷宫正确反应次数(17.1/20)明显少于对照组(19.4/20)(P<0.01).MSG组小鼠海马神经细胞水肿、变性坏死和组织增生.然而,MSG+SF组31日龄子代小鼠自主活动次数明显少于MSG组(P<0.01);MSG+SF组会爬绳仔鼠(10/13)较MSG组(5/13)明显增多(P<0.05);52d龄MSG+SF组仔鼠Y迷宫正确反应次数(19.1/20)明显多于MSG组(17.1/20)(P<0.05);MSG+SF组仔鼠海马神经元的损伤部分或大部分修复.结论 母鼠和仔鼠长期腹腔注射SF对母鼠妊娠晚期MSG诱导的仔鼠的兴奋性毒性神经损伤有一定的修复作用.

关 键 词:兴奋性毒性  阿魏酸钠  脑修复  幼小鼠

Effects of administered sodium ferulate on the repair of glutamate-induced excitotoxic neuronal impair meat in mouse fetal brain
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effects of administered sodium ferulate (SF) on the repair of glutamate-induced excitotoxic neuronal impairment in mouse fetal brain.Methods Pregnant females were randomly divided into control,SF,MSG,and MSG + SF groups,n=10.The animals in MSG group received ig administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG,1.0,2.0,4.0g/kg,onee) at 17-day.The animals in MSG + SF and SF groups received ig administration of MSG (4.0g/kg,once) or normal saline at 17day,and ip administration of SF (40 mg/kg) starting at 18 dpo,once-daily for 2~3 d;the infant mice from the mothers treated with MSG +SF received ip administration of SF (40 mg/kg) after the birth,once-daily for 20 days.The animals in control and MSG groups received ig or ip administration of normal saline simultaneously,respectively.At the 31 st day after the birth the behavioural tests were performed,and the histopathology of the animal brains was studied.Results At the 31 st day after the birth,the number of MSG-treated mice which could crawl along a rope (5/13) was obviously less than that of control(12/14) (P<0.01) ;at the 52th day after the birth,correct responses of MSG-treated group in Ymaze test (17.1/20) were significantly less than that of control (19.4/20)(P<0.01).Examination of histopathology displayed MSG-induced hippocampal lesions were characterized by intracellular edema,degeneration and necrosis of neurons,and hyperplasia.However,the number of MSG+ SF-treated mice which could crawl along a rope (10/13) was close to that of control (12/14);at the 52th day after the birth,correct responses of Y-maze test in the MSG + SF group (19.1/20) were close those in the control (19.4/20).Examination of histopathology displayed that slight hippocampal lesions appeared in the MSG + SF-treated mice.Conclusion Long-term administration of SF may be feasible in repairing glutamate-induced exeitotoxic neuronal impairment in infant mice.
Keywords:Excitotoxicity  Sodium ferulate  Brain repair  Infant mice
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