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Marked recovery of functional metabolic activity and laminar volumes in the rat hippocampus and dentate gyrus following postnatal hypothyroid growth retardation: a quantitative cytochrome oxidase study
Authors:Farahvar Arash  Darwish Naser H  Sladek Stefan  Meisami Esmail
Affiliation:Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Illinois, 524 Burrill Hall, 407 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
Abstract:Similar to cretinism in human children, absence or deficiency of thyroid hormones in rats and mice during early postnatal development results in marked retardation of brain development along with behavioral and cognitive deficits. Less is known about brain recovery from postnatal hypothyroidism. [Farahvar, A., Meisami, E., 2007. Novel two-dimensional morphometric maps and quantitative analysis reveal marked growth and structural recovery of the rat hippocampal regions from early hypothyroid retardation. Experimental Neurology.] found, by means of morphometric maps, that surface areas of hippocampal cortex and its CA1-CA4 regions which were significantly reduced in developing hypothyroid rats, show nearly complete growth recovery upon restoration of thyroid function. Here we explore the ability of hippocampal synapse-rich neuronal fiber layers to show recovery from early hypothyroid growth retardation. Rat pups were made hypothyroid from birth to day 25 (weaning) or up to young adulthood (day 90) by a treatment with the reversible goitrogen, PTU (n-propylthiouracil), in the drinking water. Recovery was induced by withdrawal of PTU at weaning and analysis of cytochrome oxidase (CytOx)-stained serial sections of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus at the ages of 25 and 90 days. CytOx stains the synapse-rich fiber layers of the hippocampal formation (HCF). Volumetric growth of molecular layer, stratum oriens and radiatum and dentate hilar region showed complete or nearly complete recovery from marked and significant growth retardation induced by early postnatal hypothyroidism. Also the reduced CytOx staining intensity in the hypothyroid rat HCF layers showed marked recovery following hormonal restoration. Results indicate remarkable growth plasticity of the HCF and ability of the synapse-rich fiber layers to show complete recovery of metabolic and functional neural activity from deleterious effects of early hypothyroidism. Mitochondrial CytOx is highly localized to the synapse-rich fiber layers of the HCF and its activity and histochemical staining intensity correlates positively with functional metabolic activity of neural tissue. Thus hippocampus and dentate gyrus neuronal fiber layers and their oxidative activity show remarkable ability to recover from the postnatal hypothyroid growth retardation. The results indicate that some brain regions are less vulnerable to early developmental insults and can recover.
Keywords:Hippocampus   Dentate gyrus   Cytochrome oxidase   Neural activity   Hippocampal growth and development   Laminar volumetric analysis   Postnatal hypothyroidism   Neurologic recovery   Oxidative recovery   Brain retardation   Brain rehabilitation   Brain plasticity   Hippocampal plasticity   Propylthiouracil (PTU)   Experimental cretinism
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