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作者姓名:张载义  徐迅
摘    要:杨上善,隋唐时期医学家,撰有磁帝内经太素》、横帝内经明堂》,详细地诠释《内经》、注解(明堂》。他首次将人体所有经穴按十四经的循行顺序排列,第一个将磁帝明堂经冲的349个脑穴的穴名意义作全面的解释。不仅如此,他还对灸疗学的理论与应用作了深入的阐述。1.灸、针、药并重:对灸、针、药物的临床应用,历代医家各有偏重。杨上善在总结前人经验的基础上,了解到针、灸、药各有所长,在临床治疗上应该相互兼顾。药物的治疗也可以配合灸刺,施治的方法不一定要局限在某种单一的方法上。2.视火针为灸法之列:最早的灸法是用火直接烧…

Exploration of Academic Ideas of Yang Shangshan on Moxibustion
Abstract:The paper analysed the notes and commentaries written by medical scientist Yang Shangshan inSui Tang dynesty in Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, and made reviews on his viewpoint about moxibustion therapy. The paper summed up Yang's idea as follows: use of acupuncture, moxibustion, orpharmacotherapy is supplemented each other, and 'of equal importance. Hot Acupuncture is bothAcupuncture and mxoibustion therapy. Yang stressed the moderate degree of moxibustion and warnedthe drawbacks of over- or under- use of moxibustion. And finally Yang .advocated moxibusTion as ahealth care method
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