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Psychometric testing of the Chinese evidence-based practice scales
Authors:Wang Shu-Chen  Lee Ling Ling  Wang Wan-Hsian  Sung Huei-Chuan  Chang Hui-Kuan  Hsu Mei-Yu  Chang Shu-Chuan  Tai Chia-Huei
Affiliation:Shu-Chen Wang MSc RN Vice Director Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Ling Ling Lee MPH PhD RN Assistant Professor Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi College of Technology, and Research Centre for Environment and Physical Activity, Hualien, Taiwan Wan-Hsian Wang MSN RN Nursing Supervisor Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Huei-Chuan Sung MSN PhD RN Associate Professor Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi College of Technology, and Taiwanese Centre of Evidence-based Health Care, Hualien, Taiwan Hui-Kuan Chang MSN RN Head Nurse Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Mei-Yu Hsu MSN RN Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan Shu-Chuan Chang MSN PhD RN Director Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, and Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan Chia-Huei Tai MSN RN Assistant Head Nurse Department of Nursing, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan.
Abstract:wang s.-c., lee l.l., wang w.-h., sung h.-c., chang h.-k., hsu m.-y., chang s.-c. & tai c.-h. (2012)?Psychometric testing of the Chinese evidence-based practice scales. Journal of Advanced Nursing68(11), 2570-2577. ABSTRACT: Aim. This article is a report of the psychometric testing of the Chinese version of Evidence-Based Practice Implementation and Beliefs, and Barriers to, and Facilitators of Research Utilization scales. Background. Investigations into the effect of evidence-based practice on clinical care could be facilitated by instruments for measuring the levels of evidence-based practice implementation; the strength of beliefs in evidence-based practice; the barriers to, and the facilitators of research utilization. An English version of the scales measuring the above constructs has been tested whereas the Chinese one has not. Design. Instrument development. Methods. Psychometric analyses of the four evidence-based scales were conducted on a sample of 361 nurses from a medical centre in Taiwan. Both the internal consistency and squared multiple correlation coefficients were used to examine reliability. The validity testing for the four scales was estimated by examining their construct and concurrent validity. Data were collected between December 2008-January 2009. Findings. Internal consistencies exist for the Chinese Evidence-Based Practice Implementation, Beliefs, and Barriers to, and Facilitator of Research Utilization scales (≥0·85); some were greater than 0·9, which may indicate redundancy in items. Construct validity of the four scales was supported by hypotheses testing. Concurrent validity of the four scales was supported by known-group analysis, in which experienced nursing researchers had higher scores compared with clinical nurses. Conclusion. These scales may have value in discrimination between implementation of EBP and perception of barriers to, and facilitators of research utilization among nurses with different education levels, research experiences or working years in clinical setting.
Keywords:Barriers to Research Utilization scales  beliefs  Evidence‐Based Practice Implementation scale  facilitators  instrument translation  nursing  validity and reliability
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