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Modulation by lonidamine on the combined activity of cisplatin and epidoxorubicin in human breast cancer cells
Authors:Rosella Silvestrini  Daniela Gornati  Nadia Zaffaroni  Alessandra Bearzatto  Cinzia De Marco
Affiliation:(1) Divisione di Oncologia Sperimentale C, Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milano, Italy
Abstract:The ability of lonidamine (LND), an energolytic derivativeof indazole-carboxylic acid, to modulate the cytotoxic activityof cisplatin (CDDP) and epidoxorubicin (EPI), singly orin combination, was investigated in two human breastcancer cell lines (MCF7 and T47D). A 72-hrpost-incubation with a non-cytotoxic concentration of LND (75mgrM) increased the activity of a 1-hr CDDPtreatment as well as that of a 1to 16-hr EPI treatment. A different pattern ofinteraction among the drugs and modulator was observedas a function of the sequence of drugtreatment. Specifically, supra-additive or additive effects of thecombination were obtained in the two cell linesaccording to the different treatment schemes. In particular,the maximum potentiation was observed in MCF7 cellssimultaneously exposed to CDDP, EPI and LND for1 hr and then post-incubated with LND for72 hr, and in T47 first exposed toEPI and LND, then to CDDP and LND,and finally post-incubated with LND. Flow cytometric analysisof MCF7 cell distribution in the different cyclephases showed that combined treatment with EPI/CDDP/LND wasable to stabilize cell cycle perturbations (mainly G2Maccumulation) induced by individual agents. The ability ofLND to potentiate CDDP and EPI cytotoxicity, andthe consideration that LND causes side effects differentfrom those caused by alkylating agents and anthracyclines,make this compound an attractive candidate for multidrugcombination therapy in breast cancer.
Keywords:cell cycle  chemotherapy  cisplatin  combination regimens  drug resistance  epidoxorubicin  lonidamine  MCF7 cells  T47D cells
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