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Chemical constituents of Selinum cryptotaenium
Authors:Rao G-X  Gao Y-L  Lin Y-P  Xiao Y-L  Li S-H  Sun H-D
Affiliation: a †Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinab Chinese Academy of Sciences, ‡State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, China
Abstract:A new pyranocoumarin, named secryptotaenin A, determined as 3'(S)-angeloyloxy-3',4'-dihydroseselin, was isolated from the roots of Selinum cryptotaenium, along with thirteen known compounds, umbelliferone, osthol, coumurrayin, (+)-heraclenol, longshengensin A, anomalin, ferulic acid, galactitol, stearic acid, melissic acid, lignoceric acid, β-sitosterol and daucosterol. Their structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic methods.
Keywords:Selinum cryptotaenium  Umbelliferae  Constituents  Coumarins  Secryptotaenin A
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