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作者姓名:赵丽英  赵楠  张海艳
摘    要:摘要:目的 了解北京市东城区男男性行为者(menwhohavesexwithmen,MSM)HIV 感染状况、相关
因素及流行趋势,为制定适合本地区的防治策略和干预措施提供依据。方法 对2010-2012年参加北京市
东城区艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntarycounselingandtest,VCT)门诊的MSM 人群进行问卷调查,内容
包括一般人口学信息、既往检测情况、高危性行为史,并采集静脉血进行人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV) 及梅
共调查402名MSM,小于30岁者占69.40% (279/402);未婚者占76.37% (307/402);高中及以下学历
者占67.91% (273/402);外省户籍占91.54% (368/402);近6 个月发生性行为时全程使用安全套者占
30.10% (121/402);既往HIV 检测率为58.96% (237/402);共检出HIV 抗体阳性52 例、梅毒阳性71
例,阳性检出率分别是12.94% (52/402) 和17.66% (71/402);高危性行为是主要求询原因;文化程度
越低HIV 和梅毒感染率越高,差异有统计学意义(χ
近年来,主动到北京市东城区VCT 门诊咨询检测的MSM 人群以年青人、未婚、流动人口、高中及以下学历
为主;梅毒感染率高,HIV 感染率呈上升趋势。应考虑在现有干预工作的基础上增加针对性有效干预措施。
中图分类号:R512.91  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009 6639 (2014)03 0253 03

关 键 词:男男性行为人群  艾滋病病毒感染者  梅毒

A surveys on current status of HIV and syphilis infection among men who have sex with men
ZHAO Li-ying,ZHAO Nan,ZHANG Hai-yan.A surveys on current status of HIV and syphilis infection among men who have sex with men[J].China Preventive Medicine,2014,15(3):253-255.
Authors:ZHAO Li-ying  ZHAO Nan  ZHANG Hai-yan
Institution:( Dongcheng Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100009 , China)
Abstract:Objective To better understand the current status of HIV and syphilis infection among men who have sex with men(MSM)in Dongcheng district of Beijing and to analyze the epidemic trend and related factors. MethodsA questionnaire survey was conducted among MSM who came to the clinic for voluntary counseling and test(VCT) in Dongcheng district of Beijing during 2010to 2012to collect basic information as demographic characteristics,sexual behavior and infection history.Blood samples were also collected for HIV and syphilis detection.SPSS 17.0software was used for data statistical analysis. Results A total of 402MSM were surveyed.More than half(69.40%)were younger than 30and were singles(76.37%).67.91%of MSM were high school graduates or even with lower education level.As high as 91.54% MSM were not native residents.121MSM claimed of using condoms during sex intercourse for the past six months and 237admitted of having been tested for HIV.Blood test revealed that 52were HIVpositive and 71were syphilis-positive with the positive rates of 12.94%and 17.66%,respectively.MSM with lower education were more likely to get HIV and syphilis infection compared to high-educated MSM(χ 2=7.265,P= 0.026;χ^2=16.328,P〈0.01). Conclusions Majority of MSM for VCT are young adults,unmarried,usually with high school or lower education level,and with high syphilis infection rate.HIV infection is uprising.Therefore, more effective intervention needs to be added to current intervention methods.
Keywords:Men who have sex with men  HIV  Syphilis
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