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引用本文:王应宽,王元杰,季方,信世强. 国外开放存取出版最新研究进展与发展动态[J]. 浙江预防医学, 2015, 26(10): 1054. DOI: 10.11946/cjstp.201508210806
作者姓名:王应宽  王元杰  季方  信世强
作者单位:农业部规划设计研究院,北京市朝阳区麦子店街41号 100125
基金项目:农业部规划设计研究院科研项目“开放存取期刊成本收益分析与可持续发展策略研究”(CAAE201407);内部补贴 学会会费附加费 伙伴关系合作费 基金资助 机构拨款和补贴 政府基金资助 捐赠基金;非现金实物和服务支持 合作伙伴关系支持
摘    要:【目的】随着开放存取(OA)的迅猛发展,开放存取文献数量和质量均稳步上升,产生了显著的影响和巨大的社会经济效益。总结梳理国外开放存取出版最新研究进展和发展动态,为国内同行和相关主体提供参考借鉴。【方法】综合采用文献研究法、比较分析法、案例分析法、归纳法等研究方法,对近几年国外开放存取出版的重要研究成果进行了全面综述。【结果】从出版商主导的OA期刊、科研机构与大学主导的OA知识库等方面综述了全球OA出版的发展动态,提供了详细的数据资料;从OA出版相关法律和战略政策、基金资助机构OA政策、科研机构OA政策、出版机构OA政策、OA出版的经济学与商业模型等综述了相关的研究进展和发展动态。【结论】在强制性OA政策被西方国家政府、主流研究机构和科研基金等采用后,科研论文和科研数据的开放共享和再利用成为必然趋势。建议中国政府部门及有关机构借鉴国外好的做法和经验,尽快制定实施支持开放存取出版发展的政策与措施。

关 键 词:开放存取  开放存取出版  OA期刊  OA仓储  机构知识库  研究进展  发展动态  

Global overview of foreign research progress and development of open access publishing
WANG Yingkuan,WANG Yuanjie,JI fang,XIN Shiqiang. Global overview of foreign research progress and development of open access publishing[J]. Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2015, 26(10): 1054. DOI: 10.11946/cjstp.201508210806
Authors:WANG Yingkuan  WANG Yuanjie  JI fang  XIN Shiqiang
Affiliation:Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering,41 Maizidian Street,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100125,China
Abstract:[Purposes] W ith the rapid development of Open Access(OA)publishing,the quantity and quality of OA literature have been increasing steadily,which has already made significant effects and great social-econom ic benefits.Latest research progress and developments were summarized in this article to provide references for OA peer workers and stakeholders in China.[Methods] Research methods of literature study,comparative analysis,case analysis and inductivemethod were used comprehensively to review and summarize the important foreign research achievements on OA publishing in recent years.[Findings] Global developments of OA publishing were reviewed from the aspects of OA journals dom inated by publishers and OA repositories dom inated by research institutes and universities w ith detailed data and information provided;moreover,related research progress and developments were summarized from the respects of legislation and strategy for OA publishing,OA strategy and policy of funders,research institutes and publishers,OA econom ic and business models for OA publishing.[Conclusions] A fter mandatory OA policies were w idely adopted by western countries,leading research institutes and funders,open sharing and reusing of research papers and data are becom ing an inexorable trend.We suggest that Chinese government and related organizations should learn the good practices and experiences from western developed countries,develop and implement effective and efficient policies and measures to promote the development of OA publishing as soon as possible.
Keywords:Open Access  Open Access publishing  Open Access journal  Open repositories  Institutional repository  Research progress  Development  
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