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Reduction of body doses in rotational panoramic radiography by means of reduced beam width in combination with rare earth intensifying screens
Affiliation:Department of Radiology, Royal Dental College, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract – The absorbed doses in the body of a Rando-Alderson phantom were measured in rotational panoramic radiography (OP-5) with LiF-700 crystals using conventional intensifying screens and standard collimator, as well as rare earth intensifying screens and a collimator slit of reduced width. The reduction of the absorbed doses obtained by using the latter combination was calculated. The reduction range in different regions was 0–50%. The greatest reduction was obtained in the cranial part of the phantom. In the caudal part little or no reduction was observed, probably because leakage radiation contributes substantially to the absorbed doses in this area. The average dose equivalent was calculated for organs in which measurements were made in several locations. The reduction was about 50% for these organs except for the gonads (8%). Compared to the estimated average annual dose equivalent originating from the natural background radiation sources, the dose equivalent resulting from this X-ray examination was very small except in the thyroid gland. In this organ the dose equivalent from one exposure corresponded to 36 days of natural background radiation, but it could be reduced to 18 days by using rare earth intensifying screens in combination with reduced beam width.
Keywords:radiation dose    radiography, dental    radiography, panoramic    thermoluminescent dosimetry
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