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摘    要:目的:讨论剖宫产术(natural childbirth and cesarean section)不正确的手术操作导致的手术并发症的临床特征、诊断、治疗及预后。方法:回顾病例3例(2010年-2011年)对产手术因阔韧带内出血致产后出血原因分析。3例因剖宫产手术错误的娩头方法及用力不当导致的阔韧带出血。结果:在临床上我们会遇见很多让我们措手不及的病例,剖宫产已成为解决难产及产科并发症、挽救产妇及围产儿生命的有效手段。但剖宫产毕竟是剖腹手术,与产科医生熟练了解解剖位置、手术步骤、术中及术后观察密切相关7],本篇文章想通过本院现实病例4例说明手术中切口位置、娩头方法和手术并发症处理及临床带教经验和术后观察的重要性,一个手术的完美不在于能做到娩出一个活孩子,而是手术中的手术技巧,减少并发症的发生,术后严密的观察病人生命体征和对病人主诉的重视及查体,从而减少病人的痛苦和身体的伤害。结论:意在促进广大产科临床医生尤其年轻医生重视高危因素,提高手术技巧,加强术后观察,尽量避免和减少剖宫产术后腹壁血肿的发生4]。

关 键 词:剖宫产术  产后出血  阔韧带出血  血肿

A clinical analysis of postpartum hemorrhage from cesarean broad ligament hemorrhage
Abstract:To discuss clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of surgical complications from treating natural childbirth and cesarean section by incorrect surgery. Methods:The reason of postpartum hemorrhage from cesarean broad ligament hemorrhage in 3 patients was respectively analyzed. Results: Critical factors should be noticed in clinical doctors to improve surgical techniques and avoid the occurrence of abdominal wall hematoma following cesarean section. Conclusion:Many unaware cases would be founded in clinical;cesarean section has been the effective solution for dystocia and obstetric complications, saving maternal and perinatal lives. It closely related to surgery knowledge and observation following surgery. This article illustrate the importance of surgery by 4 examples, surgical techniques and the reduction of complications should be noticed to reduce the pain and hurt in patients.
Keywords:Cesarean section  Postpartum hemorrhage  Broad ligament hemorrhage  Hematoma
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