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Geomechanical behavior of the reservoir and caprock system at the In Salah CO2 storage project
Authors:Joshua A. White  Laura Chiaramonte  Souheil Ezzedine  William Foxall  Yue Hao  Abelardo Ramirez  Walt McNab
Affiliation:aAtmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division and;bComputational Engineering Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550
Abstract:Almost 4 million metric tons of CO2 were injected at the In Salah CO2 storage site between 2004 and 2011. Storage integrity at the site is provided by a 950-m-thick caprock that sits above the injection interval. This caprock consists of a number of low-permeability units that work together to limit vertical fluid migration. These are grouped into main caprock units, providing the primary seal, and lower caprock units, providing an additional buffer and some secondary storage capacity. Monitoring observations at the site indirectly suggest that pressure, and probably CO2, have migrated upward into the lower portion of the caprock. Although there are no indications that the overall storage integrity has been compromised, these observations raise interesting questions about the geomechanical behavior of the system. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the measured pressure, seismic, and surface deformation behavior. These include fault leakage, flow through preexisting fractures, and the possibility that injection pressures induced hydraulic fractures. This work evaluates these hypotheses in light of the available data. We suggest that the simplest and most likely explanation for the observations is that a portion of the lower caprock was hydrofractured, although interaction with preexisting fractures may have played a significant role. There are no indications, however, that the overall storage complex has been compromised, and several independent data sets demonstrate that CO2 is contained in the confinement zone.In Salah is an industrial-scale carbon capture and storage project located in central Algeria. Between 2004 and 2011, 3.8 million metric tons of CO2 were injected into an anticlinal structure at ∼1,800 m depth. Storage integrity at the site is provided by a massive, 950-m-thick caprock that sits above the injection interval (Fig. 1). It consists of a number of low-permeability units that work together to limit vertical fluid migration. These are grouped into main caprock units, providing the primary seal, and lower caprock units, providing an additional buffer and some secondary storage capacity.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Stratigraphic column with interval depths at well KB-502. Depth is given as meters of true vertical depth below the rotary table (m TVD brt) of the drilling rig, a common elevation datum in the oil and gas industry.In June 2011, injection operations halted at the site to allow reevaluation of the injection strategy (1). At the time, several monitoring observations suggested that pressure, and probably CO2, had migrated vertically into the lower portion of the caprock. Although there are no indications that overall storage integrity has been compromised, these observations raise interesting questions about the geomechanical behavior of the reservoir and lower caprock system.Several hypotheses have been put forward by various groups to explain these observations. These include fault leakage, flow through preexisting fractures, or the possibility that injection pressures hydraulically fractured a portion of the lower seal (213). In this work, we evaluate these hypotheses in light of the available data. We suggest that the most likely explanation for the observed behavior is that the lower caprock was hydrofractured, although interaction with preexisting fractures may have played a significant role. Previous studies by Bissell and colleagues (4) and Oye and colleagues (8) have shown that injectivity and microseismic data show indications of fracturing behavior, at least in the reservoir and possibly in the overburden. Here, we use well data to constrain the state of stress in the reservoir and lower caprock, providing strong support for the hydrofracture hypothesis.This work also highlights those monitoring and analysis methods that have been most useful for understanding the field behavior, as well as lessons learned and potential improvements. This perspective can guide future carbon storage projects.
Keywords:carbon sequestration   geomechanics
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