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Menopause and hormone replacement therapy
Authors:Tóth K S
Affiliation:Szülészeti és Nógyógyászati Osztály, Szent Margit Kórház, Budapest.
Abstract:Due to the improving life expectancy of women spend third of their active life after the menopause. Estrogen deficiency can be caused by both natural and artificial menopause. The lack of estrogen can directly worsen the quality of life and epidemiological evidence suggests association with development of certain diseased states. Hormone replacement with natural estrogens has been proven to be successful for various indications: it reduces the menopausal vasomotor and psychological symptoms thus improving quality of life. It can also be used to prevent harmful effects of estrogen deficiency in various organs. Literature review supports the role of estrogen in atherosclerosis and osteoporosis prevention. Further evidence required establishing the role of estrogens in secondary prevention of coronary artery disease. Also needs to be explained why the beneficial effects of estrogen therapy in osteoporosis seem to disappear soon after cessation of therapy. Currently the relative risk increase of breast cancer during long-term hormone replacement therapy cannot be exactly measured. Nevertheless, substantial reduction of mortality in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer can also be seen with women on hormone replacement as compared to controls. Some data support the negative correlation of residual but still detectable, endogen estrogen and atherosclerosis and similarly to osteoporosis. The same residual estrogen levels seem to correlate positively with breast cancer. The recognition (and further acceptance) of the role of the residual estrogens might have influence on the indication, choice and dosage of preparation and duration of hormone replacement therapy. Overall evidence is in favor of the need medical attention for menopause: which ranges from preventive screening to long term hormone replacement therapy. The decision to treat requires the risks and benefits taken into consideration. This highly specialized care is provided in menopause clinics in Hungary. New oestrogen like agents are being developed like the selective estrogen receptor modulators, the tibolone and the phyto-estrogens. They provide tissue-specific effect acting as estrogen agonistics, sustaining the beneficial preventive and therapeutic effects of the estrogens, but in the breast and endometrial tissue they behave like estrogen antagonists avoiding the side effects of the current used oestrogens. They might play a significant role in the treatment of menopause in the future.
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