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The influence of gaseous ozone and ozonated water on microbial flora and degradation of aflatoxin B1 in dried figs
Authors:  lent Zorlugen  , Feyza K&#x  ro  lu Zorlugen  , Serdar   ztekin,I. Bü  lend Evliya
Affiliation:Department of Food Engineering, Cukurova University, 01330 Adana, Turkey. bulentz@cukurova.edu.tr
Abstract:In this study, the effectiveness of gaseous ozone and ozonated water on microbial flora and aflatoxin B(1) content of dried figs were investigated. After dried figs were exposed to13.8mgL(-1) ozone gas and 1.7mgL(-1) ozonated water for 7.5, 15 and 30min, variation of aerobic mesophilic bacteria (AMB), E. coli, coliform, yeast and mold counts were determined. Before and after ozone treatments molds on dried figs were also isolated and identified. In both ozone treatments, AMB was not exactly inactivated whereas E. coli was completely destroyed at 7.5min. Coliform, and yeast were also destroyed at 7.5 and 15min in ozonated water, respectively. Ozone applications at 15min were sufficient for inactivation of all molds. Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus which cause aflatoxin formation were isolated from dried figs. Artificially contaminated with aflatoxin B(1) samples were also treated with gaseous ozone and ozonated water for 30, 60 and 180min, respectively. In both of treatments, degradation of aflatoxin B(1) was increased due to increasing of ozonation time. Results indicated that gaseous ozone was more effective than ozonated water for reduction of aflatoxin B(1), whereas ozonated water was affected for decreasing microbial counts.
Keywords:Dried fig   Ozone   Microbial flora   Aflatoxin   Degradation
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