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  The increased mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular diseaseassociated with diabetes mellitus (DM) is well known.1 Patientswith DM but no previous myocardial infarction (MI) have a riskof MI similar to that of non-diabetic patients with a previoushistory of MI,1 and mortality from acute MI in patients withDM is double that in non-diabetic individuals.2,3 Five-yearmortality in patients with DM hospitalized with MI is 75%:3higher than that for many malignant diseases. In spite of moreaggressive and interventional therapies for MI, mortality remainssignificantly higher in patients with DM, compared with thosewithout.4 There

The benefits of insulin therapy following acute myocardial infarction revisited
Authors:Soran H  Barzangy B  Younis N
Affiliation:Specialist Registrar in Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology, South Manchester University Hospital, Manchester. hsoran@aol.com
Abstract:  Introduction
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