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Regression of Pulmonary and Multiple Skeletal Metastases from Renal Cell Carcinoma by Nephrectomy and Alpha-interferon Therapy: A Case Report
Authors:Ibayashi, Katsuya   Ando, Mifumi   Gotoh, Eiji
Affiliation:Department of Orthopedics, Asahikawa Medical College Asahikawa
Abstract:We report a rare case of advanced renal cell carcinoma in apatient who showed complete resolution of metastases to thelung and bones after nephrectomy, partial jejunectomy and subsequentalpha-interferon therapy. The patient was a 54-year-old manwhose right lung and left femur metastases were detected beforenephrectomy. In the seventh week after nephrectomy, a partialjejunectomy was carried out because of the obstructive ileuscaused by intraluminal multiple metastases of the jejunum. Apathological fracture of the metastasized right humerus occurredsubsequently. After four months of intramuscular alpha-interferonadministration (3x106 units/day), however, x-rays revealed thecomplete disappearance of the metastatic lung shadow and a solidunion of the humerus, and there were no tumor cells in the femurspecimen resected at the subsequent reconstruction surgery ofthe left leg. Seven years have passed from onset, and the patientis still alive and disease free.
Keywords:Renal cell carcinoma    Skeletal metastasis    Pulmonary metastasis    Alpha-interferon    Metastasis resolution
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