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Dietary intake in the elderly estimated by a 24 hour recall and a food frequency questionnaire
Authors:P. Caughey,C. E. A. Seaman&dagger  ,D. A. Parry&dagger  ,D. L. Farquhar&Dagger  ,W. J. MacLennan§  ,R. Prescott§  
Affiliation:*Royal Edinburgh Hospital;†Queen Margaret College;‡University of Edinburgh;Edinburgh;§St. John's Hospital at Hawden, West Lothian
Two hundred and thirty-five tenants living in sheltered housing in Scotland were surveyed to identify the extent of under-nutrition and the social factors which contribute to its development. A validated 24 h recall and the nutrient checklist published by NAGE were used to evaluate patterns of dietary intake. A questionnaire was developed which included scales designed to measure depression, social engagement, cognitive function, mobility and functional ability. The results show considerable evidence of a number of major nutrients in which there were low intakes. In order to express the extent of poor nutrition, a nutrient score was developed where points are awarded based on the number of nutrients falling below the Lower Reference Nutrient Intake, the Estimated Average Requirement or below half the daily Estimated Average Requirement.
Keywords:nutritional status    elderly people    dietary recall    NAGE nutrient checklist    nutrient score
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