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引用本文:张群,刘雪楠,常青,敖霜,郑树国,徐韬. 学龄前儿童口腔中挥发性硫化物的检出情况及其相关因素[J]. 北京大学学报(医学版), 2015, 47(6): 983-989. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-167X.2015.06.017
作者姓名:张群  刘雪楠  常青  敖霜  郑树国  徐韬
作者单位:北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院预防科,北京 100081;北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院预防科,北京 100081;北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院预防科,北京 100081;北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院预防科,北京 100081;北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院预防科,北京 100081;北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院预防科,北京 100081
摘    要:目的:了解学龄前儿童口腔中挥发性硫化物的检出情况,分析引起学龄前儿童口臭的主要相关因素,为儿童口臭和相关疾病的预防和治疗提供依据. 方法:对北京市某幼儿园170名4~6岁学龄前儿童口腔中挥发性硫化物( volatile sulfur compounds,VSC)含量和口腔健康状况进行检查,对儿童家长进行问卷调查,挥发性硫化物的检测使用便携式气相色谱仪OralChromaTM. 使用SPSS 13. 0软件包,进行VSC与口腔健康状况和行为等的单因素和多因素分析. 结果:单因素分析结果显示,检出口臭的儿童占全部受检人数的34. 4%. 女童口腔中硫化氢( hydro-gen sulfide,H2S)[(1.59 ±2.41) ng/10 mL]和VSC总量[(2.14 ±4.42) ng/10 mL]高于男童(P<0.05). 舌苔指数高的儿童的H2S[舌苔面积(1.68 ±2.48) ng/10 mL,舌苔厚度(2.18 ±2.69) ng/10 mL)和VSC总量[舌苔面积(2. 26 ± 4. 31) ng/10 mL,舌苔厚度(2. 41 ± 3. 02) ng/10 mL]高于舌苔指数低的儿童(P<0. 01). 简化软垢指数记分值≥2的位点数值与甲硫醇(methyl mercaptan,CH3SH)和二甲基硫[dimethyl sulfide,(CH3)2S]浓度呈正相关(P<0.01);母亲受教育程度在本科及以上的儿童口腔中H2S值[(1.19 ±1.62)ng/10 mL]显著低于母亲教育程度在本科以下的儿童(P<0. 01);甜食进食频率高的儿童H2S浓度[(1. 04 ± 1. 55) ng/10 mL]低于频率低的儿童(P<0. 01);有张口呼吸习惯的儿童CH3SH和(CH3)2S浓度[(0. 29 ± 1. 92) ng/10 mL,(0. 37 ± 2. 06) ng/10 mL]显著高于没有张口呼吸习惯的儿童(P<0. 05). Logistic多因素分析结果显示,舌苔指数高、母亲教育程度低的儿童VSC高于舌苔指数低和母亲教育程度高的儿童. 结论:学龄前儿童口臭检出率高,性别、舌苔指数、软垢指数、母亲教育程度、甜食进食频率、张口呼吸等因素是儿童口臭的相关影响因素,不同影响因素导致不同VSC成分的改变.

关 键 词:口臭  硫化合物  舌苔  Logistic模型  儿童

Analysis of volatile sulfur compounds production of oral cavity in preschool children and influencing factors
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the prevalence of volatile sulfur compounds ( VSC ) in oral cavity of preschool children, and to analyze related factors, thus to provide scientific basis for the prediction and treatment of halitosis. Methods:The VSC content ( hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sul-fide) of 170 preschool children (4 to 6 years old) was detected by a portable gas chromatograph Oral-ChromaTM . The status of the oral health was evaluated. The living habits and other aspects were obtained through questionnaires from the children' s parents. A soft package for social statistics version 13. 0 ( SPSS 13 . 0 ) was used in which univariate analysis and multivariate analysis were utilized to analyze the related factors of halitosis in children. Results:In the study, 34. 4% of the total subjects had excessive VSC. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) [(1. 59 ± 2. 41) ng/10 mL] and total VSC concentration [(2. 14 ± 4. 42) ng/10 mL] in the girls were significantly higher (P<0. 05) than those in the boys. The tongue coating score had a significant positive correlation with H2S [tongue coating area (1. 68 ± 2. 48) ng/10 mL,tongue coating thickness (2. 18 ± 2. 69) ng/10 mL] and total VSC concentration [ tongue coating area, (2. 26 ± 4. 31) ng/10 mL,tongue coating thickness (2. 41 ± 3. 02) ng/10 mL , P<0. 01]. The site number of DI-S≥2 had a significant positive correlation with methyl mercaptan ( CH3 SH) and dime-thyl sulfide [(CH3)2S] concentration (P<0. 01). The concentration of H2S [(1. 19 ± 1. 62) ng/10 mL] in children, whose mother had a higher degree of education, was statistically lower (P<0. 01).The children who took dessert or sweat drinks more frequently had lower H2S [(1. 04 ± 1. 55) ng/10 mL, P<0. 05] concentration, while CH3SH and (CH3)2S concentration [(0. 29 ± 1. 92) ng/10 mL, (0. 37 ± 2. 06) ng/10 mL, P<0. 05) were higher in the children with mouth -breath habit. Conclu-sion:A high prevalence of halitosis was noted in preschool children. Gender, tongue coating index, deb-ris index-simplified, status of the mother' s education, frequency of eating dessert or sweat drinks and dry mouth breath were related with halitosis of preschool children. The different related factors resulted in changes of each VSC concentration.
Keywords:Halitosis  Sulfur compounds  Tongue coating  Logistic models  Child
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