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The production of tumour necrosis factor a (TNF-{alpha}) by human endometrial cells in culture
Authors:Laird, S.M.   Tuckerman, E.M.   Saravelos, H.   Li, T.C.
Affiliation:1Division of Biomedical Sciences/Health Research Institute Sheffield Hallam University Pond Street, Sheffield S1 1WB 2Biomedical Research Unit, Jessop Hospital for Women Leavygreave Road, Sheffield, S3 7RE, UK
Abstract:The production of tumour necrosis factor a (TNF-{alpha}) by culturedhuman endometrial epithelial and stromal cells prepared fromendometrium obtained at different stages in the menstrual cyclehas been investigated. TNF-{alpha} was not detectable in the supernatantsof stromal cell cultures prepared from endometrial tissue obtainedat any time in the menstrual cycle. TNF-{alpha} production by endometrialepithelial cells in culture varied depending on the time inthe cycle at which the endometrial tissue was taken. Cells preparedfrom tissue obtained during the late proliferative phase ofthe cycle produced more TNF-{alpha} than those prepared from tissueobtained at other times in the cycle. In addition, a small increasein TNF-{alpha} production was seen by cells prepared from tissue obtainedduring the mid-secretory phase of the cycle. Interieukin 1 (IL-1)(1.4–140 pmol/1) caused a dose-dependent increase in TNF-{alpha}production by cells prepared from both proliferative and secretoryendometrium. Maximum LL-1-stimulated increases in TNF-{alpha} productionwere similar in cells from both proUferative and secretory endometriumand typically reached from four to 10 times basal values. Highdoses of progesterone, either alone or in the presence of oestradiol,also affected TNF-a production by epithelial cells. TNF-{alpha} productionby cells prepared from proliferative endometrium was increasedby progesterone. In contrast, TNF-{alpha} production by cells preparedfrom secretory endometrium was decreased in the presence ofprogesterone. The effects of steroids on TNF-{alpha} production wereless marked than that of IL-1, with values increasing or decreasingto a maximum of three times the basal value. Placental protein14 (PP14) (0.18 and 1.8 nmol/1) also increased TNF-{alpha} productionby cells prepared from proliferative tissue, but had no effecton its production by cells prepared from secretory endometrium.PP14-stimulated TNF-{alpha} levels typically only reached a maximumof two times basal values.
Keywords:human endometrium/interleukin 1/placental protein 14/steroids/tumour necrosis factor   /math/alpha.gif"   ALT="  {alpha}"   BORDER="  0"  >
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