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Disinfectants against African Swine Fever: An Updated Review
Authors:Maria Serena Beato,Federica D’  Errico,Carmen Iscaro,Stefano Petrini,Monica Giammarioli,Francesco Feliziani
Affiliation:National Reference Laboratory for Asfivirus and Pestivirus, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche, “Togo Rosati”, Via G. Salvemini 1, 06126 Perugia, Italy; (F.D.); (C.I.); (S.P.); (M.G.); (F.F.)
Abstract:African Swine Fever (ASF), a hemorrhagic disease with a high mortality rate in suids, is transmitted via direct and indirect contact with infectious animals and contaminated fomites, respectively. ASF reached Europe in 2014, affecting 14 of the 27 EU countries including, recently, the Italian peninsula. The fast and unprecedented spread of ASF in the EU has highlighted gaps in knowledge regarding transmission mechanisms. Fomites, such as contaminated clothing and footwear, farming tools, equipment and vehicles have been widely reported in the spread of ASF. The absence of available vaccines renders biosecurity measures, cleaning and disinfection procedures an essential control tool, to a greater degree than the others, for the prevention of primary and secondary introductions of ASF in pig farms. In this review, available data on the virucidal activity of chemical compounds as disinfectants against the ASF virus (ASFV) are summarized together with laboratory methods adopted to assess the virucidal activity.
Keywords:African Swine Fever   disinfectant   review
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