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Age and gender-related incidence of chronic renal failure in a French urban area: a prospective epidemiologic study
Authors:Jungers, P.   Chauveau, P.   Descamps-Latscha, B.   Labrunie, M.   Giraud, E.   Man, N. K.   Grunfeld, J. P.   Jacobs, C.
Affiliation:1Department of Nephrology Paris, France 2INSERM U25 Paris, France 3INSERM U90, Necker Hospital Paris, France 4La Pitié Hospital Paris, France
Abstract:OBJECTIVE.: To determine the age- and gender-related incidence of chronicrenal failure in a French urban area. METHODS.: Prospective study of adult patients newly identified as havingestablished, chronic renal failure defined by serum creatinine(Scr) ≥200 µmol/l, with the cooperation of all nephrologyand dialysis units in the Ile de France district (10,660,000inhabitants) during a 1-year period. RESULTS.: 2775 patients (1780 males, 995 females) were referred with Scr≥200 µmol/l between July 1991 and June 1992, an overallincidence of 260/million population. 847 had advanced renalfailure (Scr ≥500 µmol/l) and 541 patients (19.5%) were≥75 years of age. The age-related incidence was 92, 264, 523and 619/million population in the age groups 20–39, 40–59,60–74 and ≥75 years old, respectively. The annual incidencewas twice as high in males than in females up to 75 years andthree times as high in patients ≥75 years (1124 vs 356/millionpopulation). Based on the proportion of patients reaching end-stagerenal failure within one year of referral, the minimal estimationof the need for supportive therapy is 81/million/year. CONCLUSIONS.: This epidemiological study in a large French urban area indicatesan incidence of 260 patients per million population annuallyreferred to nephrology units for chronic renal failure definedby Scr ≥200 µmol/l, with a marked preponderance of malesand a dramatic increase of incidence with age in both genders.
Keywords:Incidence of chronic renal failure   incidence of end-stage renal failure   nephrology referral   renal replacement therapy requirements
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