Abstract: | Parotid glands of adult pigs were studied by light and electron microscopy. The parenchyma consists of acini, intercalated ducts, striated ducts, and excretory ducts. Acini had little affinity for periodic acid-Schiff and were alcian blue-negative at pH 2.6 or 0.5. These results indicate a paucity of neutral mucins and an absence of sialo- and sulfomucins. Histologically, acinar cells had vacuoles which corresponded ultrastructurally to large electron-lucent secretory granules. The latter contained electron-dense bodies and lipid droplets. Acinar cells differed histochemically and ultrastructurally from typical serous cells and were classified as special serous. Intercalated duct cells near acini contained electron-dense secretory granules and numerous microfilaments. Cells in distal segments lacked secretory granules. Striated ducts were lined by two types of columnar epithelial cells, light cells and dark cells. Light cells were characterized by numerous infoldings of the basal plasma membrane, mitochondria between the infoldings, and electron-lucent vesicles in the apical cytoplasm. The mitochondria contained tubular cristae. Dark cells were characterized by an abundance of microfilaments and numerous infranuclear processes which extended to the basement membrane. Excretory ducts, in addition to light and dark cells, also contained basal cells and goblet cells. Mitochondria in the light cells had flattened rather than tubular cristae. The pig parotid is a unique salivary gland and the most atypical mammalian parotid gland studied thus far. Mitochondria with tubular cristae and vacuolated special serous cells with lipid in the secretory granules are hallmarks of the pig parotid. |