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引用本文:徐勤枝,丁新民,李强,陈海涛,刘忠令. 嗜酸性粒细胞在激素抵抗型哮喘中的作用[J]. 中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2001, 5(5): 94-95
作者姓名:徐勤枝  丁新民  李强  陈海涛  刘忠令
摘    要:目的了解嗜酸性粒细胞在激素抵抗型哮喘(SRA)的发病机理和诊断中的意义。方法采集SRA患者和非激素抵抗型哮喘(NSRA)患者的外周血,Percoll密度梯度法分离嗜酸性粒细胞,分别应用DPH染色荧光分光光度计测量嗜酸性粒细膜粘性和罗丹明123染色流式细胞仪测定其线粒体膜电位。结果SRA患者低密度嗜酸性粒细胞(HE)比例增加,嗜酸性粒细胞的膜粘滞度增加,线粒体膜电位的相对荧光强度下降。结论功能活跃的HE增多可能是SRA发生的机理之-,嗜酸性粒细胞膜流动性及线体膜电位的改变,有助于SRA和其他哮喘的鉴别。

关 键 词:哮喘;激素抵抗型;嗜酸性粒细胞;膜流动性;线粒体膜电位

The role of eosinophil fluidity of membrane and mitochondrial membrane potetial in pathogenesis of steroid resistant asthma
Abstract:Objective To investigate whether eosinophil plays a role in the pathogenesis of steroie resistant astma . Method Bloodspecimens from SRA and NSRA patients were collected, eosinophils were separated by Percoll' s liquid, The fluidity of DPH-stained eosinophilmembrane was measured by spectrofluorometer eosinophi; ' s mitochodrial membrane potential indicated by Rodamme 123was determined byflow cytometer. Result The ratio of hypodense eosinophil in SRA patients was higher than those in NSRA patients [ (17.5 ± 3.70)]%/(11.5 ± 3.03)% , P = 0.0016. ], The fluorescence laberled mitochondrial membrane potentials in SRA were decreased in contrast to those inNSRA[ (39.35 ± 12.43 / (57.35 ± 15.22), P = 0.021 ]. Conclusion Our data suggest that active hypodense eosinophil might contribute tothe pathogenesis of SPA, The esosinophil fluidity of membrane and mitochondrial membrane potential maybe used as.
Keywords:steroid resistant   eosinophil fluidity of memebrane   mitochondria   membrane potential
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