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引用本文:余玲玲,陈小剑,李绵绵,叶映月,丁思思. 正常妊娠妇女外周血白细胞参数的参考值范围调查[J]. 实用全科医学, 2014, 0(1): 108-110
作者姓名:余玲玲  陈小剑  李绵绵  叶映月  丁思思
作者单位:温州医科大学附属第二医院检验科, 浙江省温州市325027
摘    要:
目的 探讨正常妊娠妇女外周血白细胞参数的变化,并建立其参考值范围.方法 采用日本Sysmex XE-5000全自动血细胞分析仪对1372例正常妊娠妇女和221例正常非妊娠妇女的外周血白细胞参数[白细胞总数(WBC)、中性粒细胞百分比(N%)、淋巴细胞百分比(L%)、单核细胞百分比(M%)、嗜酸性粒细胞百分比(E%)、嗜碱性粒细胞百分比(B%)、未成熟粒细胞百分比(IC%)]进行测定,用SPSS 13.0软件对其进行统计学分析,并采用95%可信区间确定其参考值范围.结果 正常妊娠妇女与非妊娠妇女外周血白细胞参数比较,除M%外,其余各参数结果差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).不同年龄的妊娠妇女白细胞各参数比较差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05);WBC、IG%随着孕周的增加而升高,孕早、中、晚期组间两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);N%、L%孕早期组与孕中、晚期组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而在孕中、晚期组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 正常妊娠妇女外周血白细胞参数各指标随孕期的发展呈现不同程度的变化,建立外周血白细胞参数的参考值范围有利于产科医生进行临床决策.

关 键 词:妊娠妇女  白细胞参数  参考值范围

Reference intervals for the white blood cell parameters in pregnant women
Affiliation:YU Ling-ling, CHEN Xiao-jian, YE Ying-yue, et al. (Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325027 ,Zhejiang , China)
Objective To explore the variety of the white blood cell parameters in the normal pregnant women, and to es- tablish their reference intervals. Methods 1372 pregnant women and 221 healthy non-pregnant women were selected in the study. The white blood cell counts (WBC) and the percentage of lymphocytes ( L% ), the percentage of monocytes ( M% ) ,the percentage of eosinophils( E% ) ,the percentage of basophilis( B% ) and the percentage of Immature granulo- cyte ( IG% ) were determined by the the Sysmex XE-5000 hematology analyzer. All results were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 software, and the reference ranges were established by using 95 % confidence interval. Results Except for the M%, com- pared with non-pregnant women, the changes of all white blood cell parameters in the normal pregnant women were signifi- cant(P 〈0.05). There were no statistical significances(P 〉0.05) among pregnant women in different ages. With the in- crease in gestational age, WBC and IG% were rising and the comparison between two of the first, second and third trimes- ter of pregnancy groups had no statistical significances( P 〉 O. 05 ). Compared with the second and third trimester of preg- nancy groups, N% and L% had statistical significances (P 〈 O. 05 ) in first pregancy, but the comparison between second and third trimester had no statistical significance ( P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion The white blood cell parameters in the normal pregnant women showed variable changes with normal gestation. The establishment of their reference intervals may be ben- efit for obstetricians' making clinical decisions.
Keywords:Pregnant women  White blood cell parameters  Reference intervals
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