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摘    要:卵巢早衰(POF)病位在胞宫,但与肾、肝、脾、心、肺等脏腑有关;病因病机为寒邪侵袭、气血亏虚、肝郁气结、痰瘀阻滞,终致经络阻滞不通、气血运行不畅、脏腑功能失调而发病。早期多为实证,继则变为虚证,久则虚实夹杂。治疗上从整体观念出发,辨证施治、标本兼治、补泻兼施,治则为疏通经络、益气健脾、补益肝肾、温养胞宫、祛痰化瘀,注重调理多个脏腑的功能,运用针刺、艾灸、拔罐、刺血、脐疗、手足心膏摩诸法同用的方案治疗,操作方便,月经来复快,疗效巩固。且自我按摩手、足部的穴位,能够发挥患者的积极主动性,通过按摩足部而波及生殖器区域,对生殖功能起到良性调整作用。

关 键 词:卵巢早衰  针灸疗法  辨治思路

Discussion of Thinking of Syndrome Differentiation of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Premature Ovarian Failure
Affiliation:,The Second Affiliated Hospital,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:Premature ovarian failure(POF) is located in the uterus,and it usually is involved with the liver,kidney,spleen,heart,lungs and other organs. Its disease mechanism is cold evil invasion,blood and qi deficiency,liver qi stagnation,phlegm and stasis accumulation,and finally there is the blockage of channels and collaterals,sluggish circulation of blood and qi,disorder of zang-fu organs. In the early stage,it usually is excessive,gradually becomes deficiency,and finally develops into mixed excess and deficiency. The treatment for it is based on wholism,usually involving syndrome differentiation and treatment,treating the branch and root,purging and tonification. The treatment principle is unblocking channels and collaterals,tonifying qi and invigorating spleen,nourishing liver and kidney,warming and nourishing the uterus,and removing phlegm and stasis. The treatment emphasizes the regulation for various zang-fu organs. Usually acupuncture,moxibustion,cupping,pricking,umbilical therapy,or palms and soles massage with ointment are applied. After the treatment,menstruation is recovered immediately and the effect is lasting. Besides,self-massage of acu-points of hands and feet can stimulate the initiativity of patients. The massage of the feet can affect the genital ar-eas,and it could regulate reproductive function positively.
Keywords:premature ovarian failure  acupuncture and moxibustion  syndrome differentiation thinking
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