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摘    要:总结导师崔云竹治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)经验。从其本虚标实的病机出发,本病发病与肝、脾、肾关系密切,是在消渴病气阴两虚的基础上,逐渐形成瘀血、痰浊,并阻于络脉,气血不能畅通,筋脉肌肤失养所致。将本病分期论治,早期以气阴两虚为主,中期以肝肾阴虚、痰瘀阻络为主,晚期以脾肾两虚、寒凝血瘀为主;治疗大法早期补气养阴,中期补益肝肾、活血化痰通络,晚期健脾补肾、温阳通络。活血化瘀是本病的重要治法,应贯穿病变始终。

关 键 词:糖尿病  周围神经病变  血痹  气阴两虚  瘀血  痰浊

CUI Yunzhu's Experience in Treating Diabetic Perpheral Neuropathy
Affiliation:,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:The experience of professor CUI Yunzhu in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN)was summarized. The pathogenesis of the disease is deficient root and excessive branch and the liver,spleen and kidney are closely related to it. Based on diabetes with deficiency of both qi and yin,the blood stasis and phlegm turbidity is gradually formed,which result in the obstruction in the collaterals,then the blood is not smooth and the veins and skin are not nourished. Different treatments should be given according to different stage. At the early stage,the main pathogenesis is qi and yin deficiency. At the middle stage,the main pathogenesis is yin deficiency of liver and kidney,phlegm and blood stasis obstructing the collaterals.At the late stage,the main pathogenesis is deficiency of spleen and kidney,cold coagulation and blood stasis.The early treatment should be supplementing qi and nourishing yin. The middle treatment should be tonifying the liver and kidney,activating blood circulation and resolving phlegm and collaterals. The late treatment should be invigorating the spleen and kidney,warming yang and unblocking collaterals. Removing blood stasis is an important treatment of the disease,which should always run through the lesion.
Keywords:diabetes mellitus  peripheral neuropathy  blood impediment  qi and yin deficiency  blood stasis  blood stasis phlegm
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