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摘    要:慢性肾脏病总属本虚标实之证,脏腑功能紊乱,气血津液输布、运化失司,进而水湿、湿热、瘀血、浊毒相互交阻于体内,虚实夹杂,互为因果,病情缠绵难愈。孙伟教授擅用泄浊解毒法以祛邪。渗湿解毒常用茯苓皮、玉米须等淡渗利湿;化瘀解毒常用郁金、川芎、炒当归等;发汗解毒以桂枝配防风;升清降浊用醋柴胡、葛根、制苍术、大腹皮等;清化解毒常用积雪草、白花蛇舌草、河白草等;祛湿解毒常用石韦、土茯苓;通腑解毒用制大黄、槟榔等通下之品;辛开苦降常用苦寒之黄连、辛热之干姜相配。诸法相合,邪去正安,配以健脾益肾之法共奏扶正祛邪之功。

关 键 词:慢性肾脏病  孙伟  泄浊解毒  经验

SUN Wei's Experience in Treating Chronic Kidney Disease by Removing Turbidity and Toxin Method
Affiliation:,Yangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:Chronic kidney disease is the syndrome of deficient in root and excess in branch with dysfunctions of zangfu organs and disorders of qi,blood and body fluid in transportation and transformation which result in dampness,damp heat,blood stasis and turbid toxin mixed in the body,deficiency-excess complex,reciprocal causation,lingering and difficult to be cured.Professor SUN Wei applied removing turbidity and toxin method to remove the pathogens.The herbs with bland flavour promoting diuresis such as fu ling(poria),yu mi xu(stigmata maydis) were used to remove dampness and toxin.Yu jin(radix curcumae),chuan xiong(rhizoma Chuanxiong),stir-fried dang gui(Chinese angelica) were used to resolve blood stasis remove toxin.Gui zhi(cassia twig) combined with fang feng(ledebouriella root) were used to promote sweating and remove toxin.Vinegar chai hu(bupleurum root),ge gen(root of kudzuvine),prepared cang zhu(rhizoma atractylodis),da fu pi(pericarpium arecae) were used to lift the clear and de scend the turbid.Ji xue cao(hydrocotyle asiatica),bai hua she she cao(herba hedyotis),he bai cao were used to remove the toxin.Shi wei(herba pyrrosiae) and tu fu ling(rhizoma smilacis glabrae) were commonly used to remove dampness and toxin.Da huang(Chinese rhubarb) and bin lang(areca seed) were used to purge and remove toxin.Huang lian(rhizoma coptidis) bitter in taste and cold in nature,gan jiang(rhizoma zingiberis) pungent in taste and heat in nature were used to disperse and descend with pungent and bitter taste.All the methods were combined together to remove the pathogen,while invigorating the spleen and nourishing the kidney were applied to supplement the healthy qi and remove the pathogenic factors.
Keywords:chronic kidney disease  SUN Wei  removing turbidity and toxin  experience
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