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引用本文:张莉,朱丹,阮玉华,刘莉,刘群英,尹潞,周枫,刘石柱,秦光明,邵一鸣. 前瞻性队列研究吸毒人群HIV预防随访意愿的初步分析[J]. 中国药物滥用防治杂志, 2005, 11(4): 188-192
作者姓名:张莉  朱丹  阮玉华  刘莉  刘群英  尹潞  周枫  刘石柱  秦光明  邵一鸣
作者单位:1. 中国协和医科大学公共卫生学院,北京,102200
2. 四川省凉山州西昌市皮肤病性病防治站
3. 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心
4. 四川省疾病预防控制中心
摘    要:目的:了解静脉吸毒人群继续参加HIV血清抗体阳转队列研究的意愿及影响其继续参加队列随访的原因.方法:2004年5-6月,于四川省凉山彝族自治州静脉吸毒人群队列研究第18个月随访期间,抽取不同时间阶段随访的48名参加者进行继续参加队列随访意愿的个人深入访谈.结果:绝大多数调查对象愿意继续参加队列随访,但认为影响其回门诊点的主要原因是害怕在回访途中被公安部门抓入强制戒毒所和外出打工;而极少数不愿意或不能确定是否继续参加队列随访的主要原因正在戒毒或几次HIV抗体检测阴性后认为不必再继续参加项目以及害怕来门诊途中遇到吸毒伙伴又复吸.大多数愿意继续参加随访的研究对象都希望在下一次随访日期前得到通知,且认为比较合适的通知方式主要是同伴或朋友通知、工作人员直接给自己打电话和家人转告.结论:在四川省凉山彝族自治州地区,大多数吸毒人员愿意参加艾滋病防治队列研究的随访,但需要在随访开始之前由同伴或朋友通知、工作人员电话通知或者家属转告自己随访时间.需进一步加强有效的随访方法以提高留置率.

关 键 词:艾滋病病毒  静脉吸毒  队列研究  随访  意愿

Willingness of Injection Drug Users to Persistently Participate in a HIV Seroconvertion Cohort Study in Sichuan, China
ZHANG Li,ZHU Dan,RUAN Yuhua,LIU Li,LIU Qunying,YIN Lu,ZHOU Feng,LIU Shizhu,QING Guangming,SHAO Yiming. Willingness of Injection Drug Users to Persistently Participate in a HIV Seroconvertion Cohort Study in Sichuan, China[J]. Chinese Magazine of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, 2005, 11(4): 188-192
Authors:ZHANG Li  ZHU Dan  RUAN Yuhua  LIU Li  LIU Qunying  YIN Lu  ZHOU Feng  LIU Shizhu  QING Guangming  SHAO Yiming
Abstract:Objective: To investigate willingness of injection drug users (IDUs) to participate in a long termHIV/AIDS prevention and care project (H/APCP). Methods: During a HIV seroconvertion cohort study of 18month follow-up visit, 48 subjects were selected with time of contacting. In-depth interviews were conducted toevaluate willingness of IDUs to participate in a long term H/APCP. Results: Among 48 subjects, most of theparticipants were willing to persistently participate H/APCP. But there were still some reasons for disturbing theirvisits such as: caring about being incarcerated on the way to clinic and going out for employment. They would liketo be informed before the coming follow-up visit time. To be informed by partners and friends, telephoned by theclinical staff and to get messages from their relatives were preferred by IDUs.!Conclusion: Most of IDUs arewilling to participate a long term H/APCP. They would like to be informed the appointed date by partners/friends,to receive telephone call from the clinical staff and messages from their relatives. Further studies should beconducted to investigate feasible follow-up method to increase retention rate.
Keywords:HIV   Injection drug users   Cohort study   Follow-up   Willingness
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