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Bidirectional longitudinal associations of fatness with physical fitness in adolescents with Down syndrome. The UP&DOWN Longitudinal study
Authors:Rocío Izquierdo-Gomez  Irene Esteban-Cornejo  Veronica Cabanas-Sánchez  Ariel Villagra  Óscar L Veiga  David Martinez-Gómez  the UP  DOWN study group
Institution:1. GALENO Research Group, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain;2. PROFITH “PROmotingFITness and Health through physical activity” Research Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain;3. Cardiovascular and Nutritional Epidemiology, IMDEA-Food, Madrid, Spain;4. Department of Physical Education, Sport and Human Movement, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain;5. Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/IdiPaz, CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain

IMDEA Food Institute, CEI UAM+CSIC, Madrid, Spain;6. UP&DOWN group: Coordinator: Ascension Marcos. Principal Investigators: Ascension Marcos, Oscar L. Veiga, Jose Castro-Piñero, and Fernando Bandrés. Scientific Coordinators: David Martinez-Gomez (chair), Jonatan R. Ruiz (co-chair), Ana Carbonell-Baeza, Sonia Gomez-Martinez, and Catalina Santiago. Spanish National Research Council: Ascension Marcos, Sonia Gomez-Martinez, Esther Nova, Esperanza L. Diaz, Belén Zapatera, Ana M. Veses, Jorge R. Mujico, and Alina Gheorghe. Autonomous University of Madrid: Oscar L. Veiga, H. Ariel Villagra, Juan del-Campo, Carlos Cordente (UPM), Mario Diaz, Carlos M. Tejero, Aitor Acha, Jose M. Moya, Alberto Sanz, David Martinez-Gomez, Veronica Cabanas-Sanchez, Gabriel Rodriguez-Romo (UPM), Rocio Izquierdo-Gómez, Laura Garcia-Cervantes, and Irene Esteban-Cornejo. University of Cadiz: José Castro-Piñero, Jesús Mora-Vicente, José L. González-Montesinos, Julio Conde-Caveda, Francisco B. Ortega (UGR), Jonatan R. Ruiz (UGR), Carmen Padilla Moledo, Ana Carbonell Baeza, Palma Chillón (UGR), Jorge del Rosario Fernández, Ana González Galo, Gonzalo Bellvís Guerra, Álvaro Delgado Alfonso, Fernando Parrilla, Roque Gómez, and Juan Gavala. Complutense University of Madrid: Fernando Bandrés, Alejandro Lucia (UEM), Catalina Santiago (UEM), and Felix Gómez-Gallego (UEM).

Keywords:adolescents  intellectual disability  obesity  physical fitness
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