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A case of double primary adenocarcinoma of the lung with multiple atypical adenomatous hyperplasia
Authors:Yoichi Anami  Yoshihiro Matsuno  Tesshi Yamada  Tomoyo Takeuchi  Haruhiko Nakayama  Setsuo Hirohashi  Masayuki Noguchi
Affiliation:Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute;Department of Surgery, Mitsui Memorial Hospital;Surgical Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo;Department of Pathology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
Abstract:A case of double primary adenocarclnoma of the lung with multiple atypical adenomatous hyperplasla (AAH) In a 77-year-old woman Is reported. Hlstopathologlcally, in the resected left upper lobe of the lung, both cancers were diagnosed as well-differentlated papillary adenocarcinoma, and 161 lesions of AAH were also found. Both the cancer lesions and six AAH (greater than 3 mm In diameter) were examined wlth regard to immunoreactivity of carcinoem-bryonlc antigen (CEA) and p53 gene product, microsatellite lnstabllity (MI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 9q and 17q by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Although both cancers expressed CEA, they did not show clonal lmmunoreactivity for the p53 gene product. Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia expressed CEA weakly and showed no immunoreactlvity for p53 gene protein. Both carcinomas showed LOH on chromosome 17q, and one of them showed LOH on chromosome 9q. In six AAH, LOH on chromosome 17q was detected In two tumors, and one of them also showed LOH on chromosome 9q. One AAH, which was negative for LOH on chromosome 17q and 9q, showed Mi at D17S791. These results indicated that AAH is a clonal neoplastic lesion with genetic abnormalities and should be called intraepithelial pneumocyte neoplasia, and that each of the numerous papillary lesions in this case was considered to be an Independent lesion.
Keywords:atypical adenomatous hyperplasia    intraepithelial pneumocyte neoplasia
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