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Timing of in-vitro fertilization of cumulus-free and cumulus-enclosed human oocytes
Authors:Plachot, Michelle   Junca, Anne-Marie   Mandelbaum, Jacqueline   Cohen, Jean   Salat-Baroux, Jacques   Lage, C.Da
Affiliation:Unit? 173 INSERM, Dr.de Grouchy, H?pital Necker-Enfants-Malades 149, rue de S?vres 75743, Paris Cedex 15 1 Service de Gyn?cologie Obst?trique, H?pital de S?vres, S?vres 2Maternit? Guy Le Lorier, H?pital Tenon Paris 3C.H.U. H?pital Necker Paris, France
Abstract:In humans, in contrast to other species, sperm capacitationrequires a very short time, as in-vitro fertilization has beenobtained after only 45 mm of contact between oocytes and spermatozoacapacitated for 1 h. No fertilization occurred, whatever theduration of sperm capacit.ation, when gamete mixing did notexceed 30 mim. On the contrary, 85% of cumulus-free mature oocytesexposed to sperm for 1–4 h were fertilized. The presenceof the pre-ovulatory, fully-expanded or compact cumulus massdid not represent a physical barrier to sperm progression, aswe observed no delay in fertilization when oocytes were enclosedin the cumulus. The use of a short insemination protocol (1–4h instead of 17–20 h) did not reduce the fertilizationrate of denuded or cumulus-enclosed oocytes and had no significanteffect on the morphological appearance of the embryos or theircleavage rates.
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