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引用本文:姚信. 大学生自我概念与心理健康水平的相关研究[J]. 中国行为医学科学, 2003, 12(1): 78-80
作者单位:浙江大学教育学院 浙江杭州310028
基金项目:浙江省教育厅资助项目 ( 2 0 0 10 393)
摘    要:
目的 探讨大学生自我概念与心理健康之间的关系。方法 采用田纳西自我概念量表和SCL—90测试了477名大学生,并进行相关分析。结果 大学生总体自我概念及各因子(自我批评因子除外)均与心理健康状况呈极其显著的正相关,而又不同自我概念水平的大学生在SCL—90上的得分有显著差异。对大学生心理健康影响最大的是社会自我,其次是生理自我。结论 引导大学生正确评价自己、悦纳自己是促进大学生心理健康的有效途径。

关 键 词:大学生 自我概念 心理健康 生理 心理 社会功能状态

Research on the correlation between the self-concept and mental health of college students
YAO Xin.College of Education,Zhejiang University,Hanghzou. Research on the correlation between the self-concept and mental health of college students[J]. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science, 2003, 12(1): 78-80
Authors:YAO Xin.College of Education  Zhejiang University  Hanghzou
Affiliation:YAO Xin.College of Education,Zhejiang University,Hanghzou 310028
Objective To study the relationship between self concept and mental health of college students. Methods By using Tennessee Self concept Scale (TSCS) and SCL 90, the self concept and mental health of 477 college students were evaluated, and made a detail analysis. Results All factors of self concept except for self criticism were positively correlated with factors of mental health significantly. The scores on SCL 90 were significant differences among different levels of self concept. The mental health of college students were most influenced by Social Self, and secondly by Physical Self. Conclusion Helping college students evaluate their selves correctly and accept them is an effective way to improve mental health.
Keywords:College Students  Self concept  Mental health
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