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引用本文:张本 张均正. 经历大地震的开滦矿离退休干部心身健康状况调查[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 1999, 7(1): 51-54
作者姓名:张本 张均正
摘    要:1976年7月28日唐山发生大地震,开滦煤矿现在离退休干部中大多数在当年正值中年,他们从领导岗位上退出,步入老年期,我们扭究这一特殊群体心身健康状况,旨在证实巨大精神创伤对人类心身健康的远期影响,同时亦为了有针对性地开展经历唐山大地震的离退休干部心理卫生保健工作。1资料和方法资料:我们在1996年进行此项研究,样本来源于开滦矿务局和直属机关离退休干部科。选择样本标准:大地震时家住市区亲身经历者;1995年底前离退休(不含病休),年龄男60周岁,女55周岁;地震前本人和家族无精神病史;地震时重度颅脑损伤和目前患痴呆症…

关 键 词:心理卫生 老年人 地震 煤矿 干部

A Study Of Mental And Physical Health Of Retired Officer Experience Tangshan Earthquike Of Kailuan Coal Mine
Zhang Ben, Zhang Junzeng, Wang Xueyi et al. A Study Of Mental And Physical Health Of Retired Officer Experience Tangshan Earthquike Of Kailuan Coal Mine[J]. china journal of health psychology, 1999, 7(1): 51-54
Authors:Zhang Ben   Zhang Junzeng   Wang Xueyi et al
Abstract:Objective investigating the present mental and physical health of retired officer experieced Tangshan eatthquke,in order to we will begin to work on metal health servise for retired officer. Method Total subjects of 458 were evaluated using questionaires of mental and physycal health status designed by ourselves and standard assessment instruments. Tesult Within one year after earthquike and present,the prevalence of hypertention,cadiac disease,brain vascular disease were much more than before earthquike. The proportion of those who suffered from the somatic injury,loss ptoperty,anxious and deptessive reaction after earthquike,phobic and depressive emotion when remembing earthquike situation in high score of SCL - 90 group were much higher than that in low score group of SCL-90. The proportion of the body was burried,death of first rankrelatives in high self- rating depression scale(SDS)group were much higher than that in low SDS group. Multiple regression of SCL- 90,SDS,SAS,CMIshown variables of psychological reaction when remembeing earthquike, total scores of social support scale, family and marriage satisfactory status,EPQ N,EPQ E in the epuation. Conclusion The study suggests that the degree of mengtal and physical health of retired officer associated with earthquike trauma,with somatic injury,with loss of property. with death of first of rank relative,the body was berried etc. It is dependent on whether social support better or bad that the degree of subjucts' mental and hysical health after severe psychological trauma. The subject'character that is emotional unstable and introvented that will influence people'mental and physical health after psychological trauma.
Keywords:Tangshan earthquike Retired officer Mental and pyhsical health
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