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摘    要:目的总结市级名中医黄挺教授治疗乳腺癌三苯氧胺所致类围绝经期综合征的辨证思路。方法通过随师侍诊,归纳整理病例,从三苯氧胺导致类围绝经期综合征的病因病机、主要治法,对黄挺教授治疗乳腺癌三苯氧胺所致类围绝经期综合征的学术观点和临床经验进行探讨分析,并附验案举隅。结果黄挺教授基于临床实践,提出"肝肾阴虚"作为三苯氧胺所致类围绝经期综合征的基本病机,在临床中多以滋补肝肾为大法,治疗此类药物所致的类围绝经期综合征。黄挺教授运用"肝肾阴虚,虚火内扰,冲任失调"的辩证方法治疗4例乳腺癌TAM所致类围绝经期综合征的患者症状改善显著。结论黄挺教授运用"滋补肝肾、交通心肾、调补冲任"的方法辨证论治TAM所致类围绝经期综合征具有独到的临床经验,值得推广和应用。

关 键 词:乳腺癌  三苯氧胺  中药  类围绝经期综合征

The experience of Professor HUANG Ting in treating class perimenopausal syndrome caused by tamoxifen
Abstract:Objective To summarize the dialectical thinking that tamoxifen causes class perimenopausal syndrome in the treatment of breast cancer from Professor Huang Ting,a municipal famous Chinese medicine doctor.Methods The academic view point and clinical experience of Professor HUANG Ting that the tamoxifen leads to the class perimenopausal syndrome were explored and analyzed according to the etiology,pathogenesis and the treatment method of tamoxifen leading to class peri-menopausal syndrome,through the division with the teacher and summarizing the case,along with experience and moxibustion.Results Professor HUANG Ting put forward"liver and kidney yin deficiency"as the basic pathogenesis of tamoxifen leading to class perimenopausal syndrome,based on clinical practice.The class perimenopausal syndrome caused by such drugs was mainly treated by the method of nourishing liver and kidney.The symptoms of class perimenopausal syndrome in patients with breast cancer were improved significantly which were treated with the"liver and kidney yinxu,virtual fire disturbance,chong and ren disorders"dialectical method by Professor HUANG Ting.Conclusion Professor HUANG Ting has unique clinical experience in applying"nourishing the liver and kidney,communicating heart and kidney,adjusting the red"method in the treatment of TAM-induced class perimenopausal syndrome,which is worthy of promotion and application.
Keywords:Breast cancer  Tamoxifen  Traditional Chinese medicine  Class peri-menopausal syndrome
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