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Effect of decreased mobility on body composition in patients with Alzheimer's disease
Authors:Khodeir M  Conte E E  Morris J J  Frisoni G B  Volicer L
Affiliation:E. N. Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, USA.
Randomly selected 50 patients with the diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease, hospitalized for long-term care in a Special Care Dementia unit, were examined. None of the patients were clinically malnourished although several had low cholesterol levels. The mean lean body mass, measured by bioelectrical impedance plethysmography, was 62.5% of total body mass. The average calorie intake was 2125+398 Kcal/day, ranging from 1300 to 2900 Kcal/day, and the body weight of most subjects was stable, with the average gain of 1 lbs in the previous three months. Eighteen patients ambulated independently, 14 required assistance, and 18 were non-ambulatory. The lean body mass index was associated with the patient's age and mobility status. These results indicate that patients with advanced dementia and compromised mobility have decreased muscle mass that may result in weight loss even in the absence of malnutrition.
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