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Recurrent and severe epistaxis secondary to nasal trauma. Report of an atypical case in a 22-year-old male
Authors:Pino Rivero V  González Palomino A  Trinidad Ramos G  Rejas Ugena E  Carrasco Claver F  Alvarez Domínguez J  Marqués Rebollo L E  Blasco Huelva A
Affiliation:Complejo Hospitalario Infanta Cristina, Facultavio Especialista de ORL, Hospital Infanta Cristina, Badajoz. vicentepinorivero@terra.com
Abstract:We report the case of a 22-year-old male who presented a diferred, recurrent and severe epistaxis after nasal trauma which required several admissions in our hospital and different treatments. Concretely by chronological order it has been practiced anterior tamponades, endoscopic ligature-cauterization of the sphenopalatine artery, classic posterior packing and finally a new FENS with cauterization of anterior ethmoidal artery. Besides it was necessary a transfusion to go up the anemia suffered by the patient whose global stay was 16 days. Recurrent postraumatic epistaxis are very rare but can be represent a difficult problem to solve.
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