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引用本文:李晴晴,金艳,周定华. 孟河医派周定华教授基于“肾督亏虚”理论治疗强直性脊柱炎的经验[J]. 中国医药导报, 2024, 0(6): 127-131
作者姓名:李晴晴  金艳  周定华
作者单位:1. 南京中医药大学附属常州市中医医院脾胃病科;2. 南京中医药大学附属常州市中医医院风湿病科
摘    要:本文总结了孟河医派周定华教授基于“肾督亏虚”理论治疗强直性脊柱炎的经验。周教授总结了强直性脊柱炎发病的核心病机是“肾督亏虚”的理论。本文通过分析周教授对强直性脊柱炎“肾督亏虚、复感外邪”病因病机的认识,将其治疗该病的经验总结如下:以“补肾壮督、祛邪利节”为治疗大法,“活血通络、化痰散结”的思想贯穿始终,同时注意固护脾胃,擅用外治法。全程注重虚实兼顾,标本同治,内外结合。周教授对于该病的治疗充分体现孟河医派“和法缓治、气血调衡、脾统四脏”的学术思想及“内外兼治、治法灵活”诊治特色。文末附临床验案一则,以飨同道。

关 键 词:强直性脊柱炎  大偻  孟河医派  肾督亏虚  补肾壮督  虚实夹杂  周定华  名医经验

Experience of Professor Zhou Dinghua of Menghe Medical School in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis based on the theory of “deficiency of kidney and governor meridian”
Abstract:This paper summarizes the experience of Professor Zhou Dinghua of Menghe Medical School based on the theory of “deficiency of kidney and governor meridian” in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. Professor Zhou concluded that the core pathogenesis of the disease is the theory of “deficiency of kidney and governor meridian”. Through the analysis of Professor Zhou’s view of the etiology and pathogenesis of “deficiency of kidney and governor meridian, compound sense of external evil” of ankylosing spondylitis in this article, the experience in the treatment of this disease is summarized as follows: considering “tonifying kidney and strengthening governor meridian, eliminating evil and easing joint movement” as the principal rule of the treatment, adhering to the idea of “activating blood and clearing collaterals, eliminating phlegm and dispersing nodule” throughout, paying attention to strengthen the spleen and stomach, being specialize in external treatment. Attaching importance to the pathogenesis of intermingled deficiency and excess, treatment of both the symptoms and root causes of the disease, and the combination of internal and external therapeutic methods in the whole-process. Professor Zhou’s treatment of the disease fully embodies the academic characteristics of Menghe Medical School absolutely of “slow treatment with the law of He, the regulation of both qi and blood, spleen leads four Zang viscera” and the diagnosis and treatment characteristics of “the combination of internal and ext- ernal therapeutic methods, flexible therapeutic methods”. A clinical case is attached at the end of the article to discuss with like-minded friends.
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