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Stress-induced release of brain and pituitary β-endorphin: Major role of endorphins in generation of hyperthermia, not analgesia
Authors:M.J. Millan, R. Przewlock, M. Jerlicz, Ch. Gramsch, V. H  llt,A. Herz
Affiliation:M.J. Millan, R. Przewlock, M. Jerlicz, Ch. Gramsch, V. Höllt,A. Herz
Abstract:The present paper examines the conjectured causal relationship between the alterations in brain, pituitary and plasma levels of endorphins and the antinociception (analgesia) and hyptermia elicited by acute stress. A 5-min foot-shock instigated a significant depression in the levels of β-endorphin immunoreactivity (β-EI) in both the hypothalamus and periventricular β-endorphinergic fibre-containing tissue. A large elevation in plasma levels of β-EI, consisting of about 70% β-endorphin (β-EP), and 30% β-lipotropin (β-LPH) was associated with a significant reduction in the β-EI content of both the anterior (AL) and neurointermediate (NIL) lobes of the pituitary. No concomitant changes in the levels of Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (M-EI) in discrete areas of brain and pituitary were detectable. Application of high (10 mg/kg) but not a low (1 mg/kg) dose of naloxone, prior to foot-shock, slightly reduced the increase in tail-flick latency evoked by this stress. In contrast, both of these doses strongly and dose-dependently attenuated the accompanying rise in core temperature (Tc). Chronic (30 day) morphine treatment resulted in a 45% decrease in the NIL content of β-EI and a clear depression in its basal plasma levels, although a substantial post-stress rise in plasma β-EI was still found: stress-induced analgesia (SIA) was enhanced, but the concurrent stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH), reduced in morphinized animals. These data demonstrate that stress produces a generalized mobilization of both central and pituitary pools of β-EI, and indicate that endorphins may play a more important role in the mediation of changes in Tc than in the generation of the concomitant increase in nociceptive threshold, upon activation by stress.
Keywords:stress   analgesia   hyperthermia   endorphins
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