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« Les biomatériaux inhibiteurs de l'adhérence et de la prolifération bactérienne : un enjeu pour la prévention des infections sur matériel prothétique »
Authors:G. Pavon-Djavid, G. H  lary,V. Migonney
Affiliation:Laboratoire de biomatériaux et polymères de spécialité, LBPS(B2OA)-institut Galilée, CNRS UMR 7052, université Paris 13, avenue Jean-Baptiste-Clément 93430 Villetaneuse ; France
Abstract:Bacterial infections on implanted prosthetic materials represent one of the major problems of public health and one of the first causes of nosocomial infections. Infections on implanted devices are extremely resistant to antibiotics as well as to host defences and frequently persist until the removal of the implant which remains the standard therapy. In order to prevent infection, several strategies are proposed and/or developed; amongst them heparin or antibiotic impregnations were extensively studied and gave interesting results nevertheless the most promising solutions consists in synthesizing and/or grafting bioactive polymers able to inhibit bacterial adhesion.
Keywords:Mots clé  s: Adhé  sion bacté  rienne   Infection   Polymè  res bioactifs   Staphylocoques doré  s   Prothè  ses   Polymè  res acryliques   SiliconeBacterial adhesion   Infection   Bioactive polymers   Staphylococcus aureus   Prosthesis, PVC   Acrylic polymers   Silicone
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