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引用本文:张丽梅,于茂月,陈金玉,伊丕平,刘静. 果糖二磷酸钠与葛根素治疗冠心病效果比较[J]. 右江民族医学院学报, 2000, 22(4): 534-536
作者姓名:张丽梅  于茂月  陈金玉  伊丕平  刘静
摘    要:观察果糖二磷酸钠与葛根素治疗冠心病的疗效并进行比较。随机将 86例冠心病心绞痛患者分成 3组 ,果糖二磷酸钠 (FDP)组在常规治疗的基础上加用FDP10g溶于 10 0ml注射用水中静滴 ,葛根素组加用葛根素 3 0 0mg加入 10 %葡萄糖 (G·S) 5 0 0ml静滴 ,对照组用普通胰岛素 8~ 12U加入含氯化钾 1.0 g的 10 %G·S5 0 0ml中静滴。结果三组总有效率分别为 93 %、96%和 2 7% ;(FDP组和葛根素组比较P >0 .0 5 ,两组分别与对照组比较 ,均为P <0 .0 1)。心电图有改善分别为66%、73 %、15 % ,(前二者相比P >0 .0 5 ,两组分别与对照组比较P <0 .0 1)。心肌耗氧指标 (RPP =心率×收缩压 )治疗前后FDP组和葛根素组均显著下降 ,与对照组比较改善非常显著 (P <0 .0 1)。心电图中心肌缺氧程度指标 (NST和ΣST即 12导联中ST段下移导联数和ST段下移mm数之和 )各组治疗前后均有显著改善 ,唯组间差别不大。提示葛根素治疗冠心病优于果糖二磷酸钠及对照组疗法。

关 键 词:己糖二磷酸盐类  葛根素  冠状动脉疾病  心绞痛  心律失常  血液流变学

The efficacy comparisom between FDP and puerarin in the t reatment of coronary heart disease
ZHANG Li-mei,YU Mao-yue,CHEN Jin-yu,YI Pi-ping,LIU Jing. The efficacy comparisom between FDP and puerarin in the t reatment of coronary heart disease[J]. Journal of Youjiang Medical College For Nationalities, 2000, 22(4): 534-536
Authors:ZHANG Li-mei  YU Mao-yue  CHEN Jin-yu  YI Pi-ping  LIU Jing
Abstract:The curative efficacy of FDP and puerarin was com pared and observed. 86 patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris were randomizedly divided into three groups: GroupA, GroupB and the control grou p. In groupA, patients received the normal treatment plus FDP10g dissolving in 1 00ml injected water intravenously; in groupB, patients received the normal treat ment plus 300mg dissolving in 10% G.S500ml intravenously; in control group, comm on insulin 8~12U plus 10%G.S500ml with potassiumichloride 1.0g intravenously. R esults showed that the effective rates of the three groups were 93%, 96% and 27% , respectively; with comparison between groupA and groupB, there was no statisti cal significance, P>0.05, and there were statistical significance when the t wo of them compared to the control group, P<0.01, respectively. The altered ECGs were 66%, 73% and 15%, respectively, (there was no statistical difference i n the comparison betwee groupA and groupB, P>0.05, and the difference was si gnificant when the two groups compared to the control group, respectively, P <0.01). The oxygen consumption of myocardium (RPP=heart rate ×systolic pressure ) decreased significantly in GroupA and GroupB before and after treatment, and t he alteration of the two groups were significant, with comparsion to the control group, P<0.01. In each group. the oxygen consumption of myocardium in ECG a ltered significantly, but the comparisom between each group showed that the diff erence is of no significance. It indicated that in the treatment of coronary hea rt disease, Puerarin is better than FDP and the control group.
Keywords:hexosediphosphates  puerarin  coronary heart diseas e  angina pectoris  arrhythmia  blood rheology
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