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摘    要:秦国政教授认为青少年男性乳房发育症多因肝肾亏虚、冲任失调、肝失疏泄、脾失健运、胃失和降、痰瘀之邪内蕴日久结于乳络所致。青少年天癸渐至,若禀赋不足,肾之气化失司,冲任不调,水不涵木而横逆脾胃,致痰瘀相搏,结于乳络,发为本病。因此,治疗应顺其发病特点,从病理产物导致的标症入手,兼顾本症。秦教授主张采用滋肝肾健脾胃散瘀结法治疗本病,方选三甲二陈汤加减。滋肝肾常用鳖甲、菟丝子、枸杞子等,健脾胃常用法半夏、陈皮、茯苓等,散瘀结常用夏枯草、穿山甲、老鹳草等。列举验案一则以说明疗效。

关 键 词:男性乳房发育症  滋肝肾健脾胃散瘀结  肝肾亏虚  乳疬  三甲二陈汤  秦国政

QIN Guozheng Treating Juvenile Gynecomastia by Methods of Nourishing Liver and Kidney,Strengthening Spleen and Stomach,Dispersing Blood Stasis and Mass
Institution:,The First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hainan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Keywords:gynecomastia  nourishing the liver and kidney  Strengthening the spleen and stomach  dispersing blood stasis and mass  deficiency of the liver and kidney  breast nodules  Sanjia Erchen Decoction  QIN Guozheng
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